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just get back
to your stations.
I guess we just keep doing
what we're doing.
We missed the window.
I know.
We don't have enough oxygen
to last till the primary for Edwards.
- You did the right thing.
- Yeah?
Do they think so?
Andie's part of the crew.
You took responsibility for her.
Somebody had to.
That's what makes
a good flight commander.
I'm a good pilot,
but I'm no commander.
My mom always says that...
...being boss and being bossy
isn't the same.
I'm never gonna
see her again, am I?
Come on. Come on.
- There's nothing new here.
- There's something we're missing.
Yes, Mr. President.
We'll stay in touch.
The only thing
we're missing is a miracle.
- I've got an idea.
- Let's hear it.
Come here.
Hey, guys.
I've got a question.
I was looking outside
and wondering,
is Edwards the only place
where we can land?
- I don't know. Is it?
- I don't know.
I remember reading about the shuttle
landing in White Plains or something.
Come on, it's in the middle
of New York.
White Sands.
White Sands, New Mexico.
Columbia of '82 landed there
'cause the strip at Edwards
was too wet.
So if we could make
the window to White Sands...
We can land there.
Tish, get going.
- Make them hear us.
- All right.
Rudy, I love you.
- Check out the coordinates.
- You got it.
Max, take care of Andie for me.
Let's see if we can
navigate this bird ourselves.
I'm not gonna speculate
about anything.
What about the kids?
As soon as I have something
to confirm, I will.
Jinx put Max in space.
Jinx can get Max back.
Jinx put Max in space.
Jinx can get Max back.
Jinx put Max in space.
How'd you know
about Max, Jinx?
Jinx and Max friends forever.
Jesus Christ.
Get that thing out of here.
Get security.
Maybe he can help us,
unless you've got a better idea.
Wait a minute!
Jinx, how can you help NASA?
C-O-M-E l-N...
Take it out of here.
Get it out.
...M- E l-N...
Come in, Control.
C-O-M-E l-N...
Come in, Control.
Max's code.
- Morse code.
- Max's code.
Damn! They're talking to us!
We got Morse code.
Jack, translate this.
Jinx, I'm treating you
to a can of oil.
Request... alternate...
White Sands.
Columbia, '82... check it out.
White Sands re-entry window
is nine minutes.
Get me White Sands.
We have to send them
a landing softwware update.
I hope White Sands is ready for this.
They'll make it ready.
It's our only shot.
- They're never gonna hear this.
- Just keep going, Tish.
What's wrong now?
Whip me, beat me,
take away my charge card!
NASA is talking!
- Did somebody say NASA?
- It's NASA!
It's NASA!
Guys, they need
an OMS burn, like now!
- OMS burn coming right up.
- Window coordinates?
She's gotta slow that thing
down to 4,800.
It's not Andie, Zach.
I just got that.
Andie's hurt.
Some kid named Kathryn
is flying the bird.
113 by 17.
Window coordinates...
113 by 17.
Roger that.
We figured 250 by 19.
Well, we weren't that far off.
Our time parameter... 0210.
We have to be at re-entry
at 0210, and that's in...
That's in six minutes!
Zach wants to know
how Andie's doing.
Give me a headset.
- She wants a headset.
- She wants a headset?
Okay, Andie, relax.
Don't worry about it.
We can handle it, okay?
Max, you and Andie
get strapped in.
Get me out of this now.
Helium pressure...
Kevin, you know,
I never knew how to do this.
- I don't know...
- Of course you can do it.
No, it's re-entry.
What's the worst thing
that could happen?
We'll all die, right?
We're all gonna die
if you don't do it,
so just relax, okay?
You're panicked.
You're damn right I'm panicked.
Okay, fine. That's perfect.
I'll do it.
All right.
Tish, you ever read a book
on how to fly this thing?
Okay, I'll do it.
So competitive, aren't we?
Okay, team.
Let's put these helmets on,
and let's do it.
Okay, Kathryn,
lock coordinates in.
Coordinates locked in.
Космический лагерь Космический лагерь

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- текст Хоттабыч на английском

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