"END OF ETERNITY" "Based on the novel by ISAAC ASIMOV" "PART ONE" Much as it pains me to say, There are people in our midst who have forgotten their duty. I'm talking about my own Technician, Stevens. What happened to him? That's not important. What's important is the danger it puts us in. In a blunt violation of protocol, my technician formed a relationship with a woman from reality. And used the kettle to meet with her. It wasn't hard. Who would dare stop Dr. Twissell's personal Technician? I don't understand why you're bringing this up, Twissell. Just terminate this Stevens, or transfer him to Maintenance for all time. But we do sometimes allow temporary liaisons. My dear colleague, Don't you see that Stevens would not submit himself to the restrictions under which we allow them? Exactly. We cannot allow anyone to place a relationship with a woman above this great cause of ours. Service in Eternity demands total commitment. We must put to use the latest means of physiological, psychological... and genetic control over the behavior of our people. Computer Sennor. Please visit the school immediately. And in the name of this council, demand that Yarrow root out the final memories of the students' homes, loved ones... Homewhen and so on. The school must be able to put out graduates who can work without emotion. Computer Finge, do you agree? Or do you have your own opinion on the matter? Dr. Twissell, it's impossible for anyone here to disagree with you. Praise Eternity. Understand, Yarrow. This is just a friendly conversation. But you're in a lot of trouble. Twissell's in a rage. His personal Technician, a former Cub of yours, Stevens... formed a relationship with a woman from Reality. This is unacceptable. As head Educator of this school, you should take such a thing very seriously. The Cubs... that we choose from Reality, hand-picked from the most gifted, must serve Eternity once they graduate. And only Eternity. Do you understand? I'm trying, i'm doing everything I possibly can. That's all I have to say. My friends... now is the sad but proud moment of our parting. We've spent ten years together. Today, your Cubhood is finished. You will be divided among the different sections of Eternity, and I cannot say if we will ever meet again. A great honor has been conferred upon you. An honor that anyone from Time can only dream of. You will be Observers now. Technicians. Life-Plotters. In short, Specialists. And a select few of you... might become Computers. Or even members of the Allwhen Council. Serving Eternity is not a privilege. It requires immense self-sacrifice, and strenuous work. When you become an Eternal, you must take an oath: That you will never use the powers of Eternity to serve your own interests. That your one unchanging goal will be the betterment of Eternity and mankind. Are you ready to take that oath? We are ready, Educator! Then let us begin. Each of you, by name. This moment will forever be preserved in the archives of Eternity. Gobe. I pledge to dedicate my knowledge and capabilities to justifying Eternity's faith in me. Lloyd. I pledge to be honest and obedient, to honor and obey my superiors without question. As I have honored and obeyed you, Educator Yarrow. Harlan. I, Andrew Harlan, am called upon to serve Eternity. I pledge to dedicate my knowledge and capabilities to it. All my thoughts will be directed toward increasing the total of human happiness. You've been Observer here for how many years, now? I've been observing the 48th century in your section for five years. I could congratulate you, Andrew Harlan, on the organization and clarity of your reports. But I'd like to know, what do you really think? I don't see what you mean. Come now. Both of us understand perfectly. Surely the things you've seen here all these years disturb you. Does anything in my
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