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Главная / Аты-баты, шли солдаты...

Аты-баты, шли солдаты...

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Film Studio
Artistic Association
Ilya Ivanovich, I've been asking you
not to carry heavy things.
It's bad for you.
- It's all right.
- Do we have no one to go shopping?
I'm taking it easy.
Making frequent stops.
It's for you.
Dear friend,
our fathers died
in the same battle.
If you wish
to honor their memory,
come on March 18,
the battle's anniversary...
...to the station
Wear this star, Kostya,
with honor,
and as the saying goes,
may it be
not your last one,
Lieutenant Colonel.
Thank you, Comrade Commander.
To the colonel!
To the general!
Service is above all, because I'm
the son of a soldier of the great war.
My father died...
...without ever having seen me.
My mother died 3 years later,
I grew up in a children's home.
I had it more hard
than many others.
But I saw my goal
very clearly.
Excuse my using the pronoun "l"
too often today,
but we're officers and our army
orders don't know any other form
except "I decided".
to the decisions
we're making.
Good, Kostya.
Your father, Kostya,
in what year did he die?
In 1944.
And mine in '43.
we were so close to each other.
I was on the 1st Ukrainian Front,
he on the 2nd.
Lyubasha, where've you been?
Come on, sit down.
Have a drink.
I may now.
Yes, in '44.
By the way, I was reminded
of that today.
Do you remember
where I've put it?
Sit, sit.
Ah, here it is.
At ease!
Oh, it caught on.
Strange message.
Where's this Podbednya?
It's somewhere in the country...
Lyubasha, by the way, the handwriting
is that of a woman.
Perhaps it's just a prank, guys?
No, it is not.
I remember when I was given father's
decoration in the children's home,
there was some talk
about the station of Podbednya.
- What decoration?
- Order of the Patriotic War.
Lyubasha, do you remember
where it is?
- Maybe in your father's box?
- In a wooden one?
Lyubasha, the onions!
Oh, Ilya Ivanovich!
Why are you neglecting
our company?
It's not good!
Please join us!
Come sit here, Ilya Ivanovich!
Let's drink to the star!
To his new title,
so that the star not wear out!
Only some wine,
he can't drink vodka.
Just one small glass.
Don't worry.
Ilya Ivanovich,
you speak, as a representative
of the older generation.
Pass it, please.
Well, of course I can speak.
It calls, of course,
for congratulations
and good wishes, that's right.
You're rising to them high ranks,
And with each rank
you get more soldiers.
Your team is getting bigger.
Let's drink, I mean...
...to you being
good to them...
To your pitying them,
soldiers, I mean.
They have no ranks,
and, so to speak,
it's harder for them.
I mean, let's drink to them...
To soldiers.
Written by Boris VASSILYEV
Directed by
Leonid BYKOV
Director of Photography
Production Designer
Music by
Song by
Leonid BYKOV as Svyatkin
Vladimir KONKIN as Suslin
Yelena SHANINA as Kima
Leonid BAKSHTAYEV as Konstantin
Yevgeniya URALOVA as Anna
May I?
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
It's snowing again.
The rooks are here already,
and now all of a sudden...
...it's a snowstorm.
Blizzard's at full swing,
Whirling snow,
whirling snow.
You can't see a thing
at a closest throw.
Alexander Blok.
And you thought an officer only
can do "one-two, one"?
I'm sorry.
Colonel, you asked to warn you
about the station of Podbednya?
- It's next station, in 40 minutes.
- All right.
Stopping for 3 minutes.
- You get off at Podbednya?
- Yes.
Are you from Beryozovsk?
That's right.
Are you Kostya?
That's right.
Good to meet you.
My name is Anya.
It was I who sent you the postcard.
Our fathers died
in the same battle.
They all died in that battle.
All eighteen.
That's what
Аты-баты, шли солдаты...

Читайте также:
- текст Сатурн 3 на английском
- текст Друзья - Сезон 7 на английском
- текст Жизнь и работа Ясудзиро Одзу на английском
- текст Драка друзей на английском
- текст Полицейский отряд на английском

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