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Конец Вечности

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and leading us to exactly the
Maximum Desired Response.
Yet even though you're aware
of our final goal,
you've made a error, Sociologist.
I assume the Allwhen Council
Will point it out to me itself.
-I doubt it.
You discovered this error, then?
And you didn't report it to the Council?
-No, I did not.
Why not?
-I need you to calculate a Life-Plot for me.
I want to know the effect of a Reality
Change on a certain individual.
I'm not quite sure
I understand you, Technician.
Surely you could perform the calculations
in your own Section? -I could.
But I don't wish to make my
interest public knowledge.
Performing the calculations in my Section
would incur certain difficulties.
I see.
You don't want this done
through official channels.
You want the calculation
performed secretly.
Yes. I need a strictly
confidential answer.
That's against protocol.
I can't agree to such a violation.
It's no worse than my own violation.
My failure to report your
error to the Allwhen Council.
You raised no objection to that.
May I see the documents?
I’ll pass this along to
one of my Life Plotters.
We'll keep this private.
I will take full responsibility.
As for this...
You can keep it as a souvenir.
You have the answer?
-Yes, of course.
My Life Plotter said he admires
the name of the person involved.
Noys Lambent. It is a female, isn't it?
-Aren't you afraid, Technician?
Just so long as you're not afraid.
The answer is somewhat unexpected.
The lady doesn't exist
in the new reality.
She's just gone.
In fact, I don’t quite see
how she fit in the old Reality.
She doesn't exist
in the 48th century.
She doesn't exist
in the 48th century.
Noys! Noys!
Noys, you’ve got to do as I say.
Is something wrong?
Would you like to come with me? Now?
Without asking any questions?
Must I?
-You must, Noys. It’s very important.
I must conceal you in the
Hidden Sections of Eternity.
Then I'll come.
What are those red numbers?
The Hidden Centuries.
What do you mean, hidden?
-It's as if they've been cut off from Eternity.
Eternals can't pass into Time
from any of those sections.
Why not?
I don't know, it's
some kind of secret.
The Computers don't
like to talk about it.
What's the matter, Noys?
You shouldn't decelerate so quickly.
They're the ones who believe it,
they call themselves that.
You don't think so, then?
After I was in Eternity
a while, I didn't.
People who live forever
wouldn't talk like Eternals talk.
Still, you told me that
night that I'll never die.
I thought: Who knows?
How does a Timer go about
becoming an Eternal?
Why do you ask that?
-To find out.
I'd rather not talk about that. -Still,
you wanted to make love to me. -Yes.
Why me? -You were funny.
-Funny? -Well, odd.
You always worked so hard not to
look at me. You tried to hate me.
I could see that you didn't.
And what do you think of me now?
Members of the Allwhen Council,
i've already acquainted you with the
materials pertaining to Harlan's case.
Now I suggest, and demand,
to examine the case before the Council.
Technician Harlan,
under the protection of his status
as Computer Twissell's
personal Technician... -Computer Finge.
Dr. Twissell... I understand
this is hard to hear,
but as you've often said yourself:
Our personal likes and dislikes must not
get in the way of the great work we do.
And as a member of the Council...
-Shut up, Finge.
Dr. Twissell...
Your behavior is unacceptable.
-Is that so?
Does anyone share that opinion?
I'm a criminal, Noys.
I extracted you from a reality
that was about to be changed.
Changed? What do you mean?
If I told you, that would
be even worse a crime.
Then don't tell me.
If it's that terrible...
You could just take me back and forget
about me. -Don't say that, Noys.
Don't you realize, if I hadn't done that,
I could have lost you forever!
So what happens next? -I don't know.
Not even
Конец Вечности Конец Вечности

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