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than all the disciples...
...and used to kiss her on the..."
But this says nothing of marriage.
Well, actually...
Actually, in those days, the word
"companion" literally meant "spouse."
And this is from the Gospel
of Mary Magdalene herself.
- She wrote a gospel?
- She may have.
- Robert, will you fight fair?
- She may have.
"And Peter said,
'Did he prefer her to us? '
And Levi answered:
'Peter, I see you contending
against a woman like an adversary.
If the Saviour made her worthy,
who are you, indeed, to reject her?"'
Yes. And then, my dear, Jesus
goes on to tell Mary Magdalene...
...that it's up to her
to continue his Church.
Mary Magdalene, not Peter.
The Church was supposed
to be carried on by a woman.
Few realize that Mary was descended
from kings, just as her husband was.
Now, my dear, the word
in French for Holy Grail.
From the Middle English
...of the original Arthurian legend.
Now, as two words.
Can you translate for our friend?
Sang real, it means "royal blood."
When the legend speaks of the
chalice that held the blood of Christ...
...it speaks in fact of the female womb
that carried Jesus' royal bloodline.
But how could Christ
have a bloodline, unless...?
Mary was pregnant
at the time of the Crucifixion.
For her own safety and for that
of Christ's unborn child...
... she fled the Holy Land
and came to France.
And here, it is said,
she gave birth to a daughter, Sarah.
They know the child's name.
- A little girl.
- Yes.
If that were true,
it's adding insult to injury.
The pagans found transcendence
through the joining of male to female.
People found God through sex?
In paganism, women were worshiped
as a route to heaven...
...but the modern Church
has a monopoly on that...
...in salvation through Jesus Christ.
And he who keeps the keys to heaven
rules the world.
Women, then, are a huge threat
to the Church.
The Catholic Inquisition
soon publishes...
... what may be the most
blood-soak ed book in human history.
The Malleus Maleficarum.
The Witches' Hammer.
It instructed the clergy on how
to locate, torture and kill...
...all freethinking women.
In three centuries of witch hunts...
... 50, 000 women are captured,
burned alive at the stak e.
Oh, at least that. Some say millions.
Imagine, then, Robert...
...that Christ's throne
might live on in a female child.
You asked what would
be worth killing for.
Witness the greatest cover-up
in human history.
This is the secret
that the Priory of Sion...
...has defended
for over 20 centuries.
They are the guardians
of the royal bloodline.
The keepers of the proof
of our true past.
They are the protectors of the living
descendants of Jesus Christ...
...and Mary Magdalene.
Sir Leigh?
Sometimes I wonder
who is serving whom.
His sauces are not that fantastic.
Yes, can I help you?
Yes. They're on the news now.
Living descendants? Is it possible?
It's not impossible.
You have not been honest with me.
Your pictures are on the television.
You are wanted for four murders!
That's why Vernet said
"killing spree."
You come into my home,
playing on my passions for the Grail.
- That's why he needed you.
- You will leave my house!
- Leigh, listen!
- No, I'm calling the police.
Jacques Sauniиre
was her grandfather.
You're the obsessive Priory scholar.
You still keep lists
of who might be in the Priory?
I'll bet Jacques Sauniиre
was on one of those lists.
He was on your list of who could
be Grand Master, wasn't he?
- What?
- I'll bet he was right at the top.
Consider: Four men murdered?
The same number as the guardians.
What if the Priory was compromised,
the other sйnйchaux dead?
What if you yourself were dying,
a Grand Master?
You'd have to pass the secret on
to someone you could trust.
Код Да Винчи Код Да Винчи

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