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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Кин-Дза-Дза


1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12  
- What for?
- Come on, koo, koo!
You bastard! Kyoo!!
All of you! Squat!
They're not ecilops are they?
It's Mr PJ and his Patsak.
If they find out
that you didn't squat,
it's life-long ecikh with nails.
Who is PJ?
Did you see that?
It's a hologram, my friend.
- The violin!
- Koo-oo!!!
Quiet! Stand still!
You see this, eh?
And you said 'koo'...
It's not a blimp, you bonehead!
It's the Last Breath of Mr PJ.
How could one person breathe
so much air just before he died?
It’s absurd.
Don't blaspheme.
PJ is alive!
And I am happy.
I'm even happier!
Wuuu... Like this.
Come on, get inside.
Is there a normal entrance
to this supermarket?
To get in normally, we have
to pay in chatls, my friend.
Hey, let's go!
Sod off, Patsak!
Fiddler! Patsaks go there!
What are they doing?
It’s the fourth pump of Mr PJ.
I love PJ very much!
I koo him even more!
And here they make water
out of lutz.
What are they shouting?
They’re selling.
Selling what?
Let’s buy a gravitsapa!
Gravitsapas are
in another department.
We first need to find out
the tenture of the Earth.
- Yellow Pants... double koo!
- Koo! Koo! Koo-koo!
What's the orbit diameter
of your planet?
I don't remember...
Fiddler, do you know?
No, Fiddler isn't needed!
You tell me!
- Er... mm...
- OK, forget it.
Tell me your planet’s
core density.
No, I can't remember...
Well, fine.
The names of the planets in your galaxy.
Which ones do you know?
Jupiter, Mars, Venus…
Where is my Divinating Crystal?!
It was right there!!!
Fiddler! Put it back!
As it was laying there...
...I thought it was a useless
piece of glass...
Stupid cow.
Enough. Stop rattling your brains,
you bonehead.
Here's your planet number:
013 in the Tenture.
On the left of Ursa Major.
Do you want to talk with the Earth?
It'll cost you another chatl.
Pardon... what??
Think of your phone number!
And tell them about the matches.
"...Hallo! Hallo!
Can you hear me?"
Come on, earthling,
speak into this device!
I'm listening, go ahead!"
Speak! Time is money!
Hallo! Lucy!
Can you hear me?
It's me!
"Vova, where are you?"
Well, I'm here...
How are you?
"Vova, you..."
How's Cyril?
"Where are you, Vo...
Where are you, Vova?"
I'm here, in some place,
I'll explain everything later.
How's mum feeling?
Have you been to see her?
"Yes I have been...
I asked you
where have YOU been!"
Listen, wife of Patsak!
Stop pissin' about!
Go buy two big crates of ketse!
Or we'll find for him some better...!
Sod off, Wef!..
Lucy! Lucy...
Lucy. My dear...
Lucy... Lucy!
Take the phone, right now,
and call Victor Manokhin...
...tell him that the keys
for the plumbing store
are in my office,
under the thingy...
under the cabinet,
lying on the floor.
Did you get all that?
"Oh yes, I got it..."
Would you like to dial Batumi?
3-47-57, please.
Tell them to fetch Alik.
No way.
Get lost you bloody thief.
- Weeh... eeh...
- Is something wrong?
Everything’s fine,
but the Earth is rather far way.
We'll have to warm up
for 7 minutes
instead of 5.
So let's go and prepare
the tsapa for the gravitsapa.
Which one is the tsapa?
Yeah! Everything is rusty here!
And it's the most rusty one.
What are you doing,
are you nuts?!
Oh, mama-mama.
Lucy and Manokhin arrived, wow!..
Uncle Vova!
The match was in the cap!
Why would they leave?
Why strange?!
They've got a match
to buy a gravitsapa,
and they know
the tenture of the Earth!
Comrade ecilop! Comrade ecilop!
They stole from us!
Arrest them! Koo!
Arrest them!
40 chatls.
We've got no chatls.
Everything is with the tour guide.
And the violin they have
isn't really theirs!
And when they were
in front of a video of PJ,
they didn't koo-koo!
Why are you staring at me?
Why are you staring at me?
If your bosses find out
Кин-Дза-Дза Кин-Дза-Дза

Читайте также:
- текст Предместье на английском
- текст Отныне и во веки веков на английском
- текст Говард-утка на английском
- текст Элвин и бурундуки на английском
- текст Вечера на хуторе близ Диканьки на английском

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