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Our youths are meeting.
Politics is a dirty affair.
Philip, Voronov need to be pulled
out from the counter intelligence.
Philip, you after all, can. The head
of the counter intelligence is your friend.
We have the code here. And why do
l need your Voronov? ln law? Brothers?
This is not free. Oblcom will pay.
l am a businessman. Helping the communists
is not a profitable enterprise.
l would not have invested one
kopeek into the business.
Nothing is working out.
We'll have to call a safecracker
Lady, please
be so kind. 23-20. Thank you.
Mr. Zolotniskey? Please be so kind as to come to Ksidias ba
Philip, they are torturing Michel at this very moment.
You, after all, are idealistic.
You are for revolution.
l don't give a damn about revolution.
l am a capitalist.
This emanates from your youthfulness, Sanka.
Look. Jenia,
Jenechka, show yourself. Do not fear.
He also played revolution,
also made friends with Voronov.
Later went and made a report
on him. And came over to me.
The young man is growing.
lt is not true. lt is not you.
Monster. This is his mother.
She will get it
Both he and his
mother made reports. lt is a family.
-Take this, monster.
-Heads will roll.
Hero! Fool!
There are no heros! Do you hear that?
Everything in the world is ordinary.
-Heads will roll.
-Be quiet you, murderer.
You will be turning my head-
l will not know you immediately.
lt will not be wet.
No, l am here. Here l am.
My little one.
Jenia! What is this?
Don't you see? Mama and Colonel Miasniskey.
This is not what l am asking you of, bore.
Where is the real bear?
-l forgot.
-This one?
Jenka. What does this mean?
Just a moment, l will find it. Don't disturb me.
You cannot deceive me, mama. This.
l have finished, Philip.
But well, accept the rake.
The fee, as always,
you will send them to me at home.
Be rest assured, Mr. Zolotniskey.
Only not from there. All these are fake.
What does all these mean?
All in the safe is fake?
Why are you asking me?
Ask the old woman.
-Don't deceive me, you cad.
-Don't play strong willed man for me.
You warned the old woman.
And took her brokerage.
She has again deceivd me.
Mama, mama.
You bequeathed all your vices to me.
l am renouncing you.
Take this for Michel.
Heads will roll!
And well, let's go from here, quickly.
-Bravo! Qui! Bravo!
Well, why are you staring at me? lt is me.
Take it easy. Without follies.
My dear. Please put me through to the Chief.
Chief? This is Lieutenant Benua speaking.
There is a revolt here.
Please send military police.
My dear?
Well, what is your worth with
such appearance, as if you have constipation?
Well, say at least a few words to the soldiers.
What do you want to do with me?
We want to play you a song on our guitars.
lt is necessary to still have time to help Michel out.
Cows. Do you know,
what is red banner?
-We know. This is a revolt.
-Guys, go home.
-Go home! Go home!
-and help out Michel.
We will have enough time to help out Michel.
Me, Michel.
How did they take you?
On the street. Just now.
-And Sanka?
-He's rushing about somewhere.
He's trying to organize the saving for you.
We must prolong the interrogation at any price.
Tomorrow is the decisive battle.
We still have hope Michel. Do we?
Let off. Tomorrow, we will wear wooden
coats and enter the ground.
No. l don't believe it.
There is a way.
What are you saying?
The sentry is here. Do you understand?
Call for him.
Hit him on the head.
Take his weapon. Change your clothes...
-Why are you laughing?
lt is simply good to look at you.
Well, first of all, he will not come into this place.
Secondly, if that fool
wants to enter-he won't be able to.
He has not got the keys. That is it.
And thirdly,
we wouldn't have been able to take him.
You are a woman,
While l am a wounded man.
Fourthly, even if we are able to
Интервенция Интервенция

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