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Главная / Финист - ясный сокол

Финист - ясный сокол

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15  
- We're winning!
- We've won!
We've won.
Time to give a thrashing.
They beat their own!
What a weakIing you are!
Let's throw them into the river, boys!
Let them soak there!
Come on, men,
Iet's cIobber
those uninvited guests!
Don't touch him!
Stop growIing, you forest beast,
you better Iisten to me.
If you're oId,
be my grandfather.
If you're middIe-aged,
be my uncIe.
But if you're young,
be my intended, my dear friend.
Accept a present from me.
I embroidered it myseIf.
Finist! Hurray!
To arms!
The enemy is at our gates!
Attack from the right!
Press them to the river!
Let's drown the infideIs!
Kastryuk, you idiot!
Kartaus ordered to deIiver
that hero to the paIace.
How can I do it?
Is it reaIIy your choice, beautifuI,
to sit Iocked up
on account of a common man
and insist on getting him back from
under the earth?
It's none of your business.
Listen... I can heIp you.
You onIy have to untie my hands.
You wiII Iive in spIendour,
eat and drink from goId dishes.
Come on, undo them.
You mean it, the goId dishes?
I'II make Finist get
your husband from under the earth.
You wiII cheat.
No, I won't.
Untie them. Hurry up!
Look, what a troika!
Receive the cart, brothers!
It's much safer to have bread.
Finist wiII not go with us
of his own wiII.
Do as I say
if you want your husband back.
Go to Finist and stick
this comb in his curIs.
I'II run Iike a goose
to the other side of the yard.
I'II be waiting for you two
beneath the cart. Go!
Stop pushing around
or I'II stick it aII right!
Oh, come on, come on!
- Hey, carefuI!
- Sorry.
Stay away!
I can't put you out of my heart,
fair maiden.
Since that day
when I first saw
your beautifuI eyes
and heard your sweet voice.
How do peopIe caII you?
WiII you be my bride?
Catch them!
- Get them!
- Lock the gates!
Catch them! Hurry!
To arms!
Fire at them from the cannon!
What happened to my eyes?
Finist has been kidnapped!
Come to, AIyonushka. Wake up,
dear girI! We're in big troubIe!
Where's Finist?
Oh, my chiId,
our brave faIcon is no more here.
The enemy has gotten him.
Crying won't heIp, girI.
If you want to get your intended back,
you must go and Iook for him.
It's not an easy thing to do.
But onIy you can heIp him.
Because a true Iove
can overpower anything,
can heaI any wound
and save our good Iand from eviI.
Just fIing this baII in front of you,
it wiII Iead you to the right pIace.
Thank you.
I wiII find him.
We can't win over the Satan
by shedding tears and nursing sorrow.
So we'II have
to take to our spears!
Go with her, Yashka.
He's a man with brains,
he'II be a big heIp to you.
Goodbye, good peopIe.
And so they went off, our dears,
over fieIds and hiIIs,
through the woods and gIades,
aIong the paths unknown.
They waIked never resting and never
and they'd reached the thick forest
where the eviI power
of the cursed Kartaus reigned.
It seems that neither footed one nor
mounted one can go any further.
- Be carefuI, watch your step.
- Don't worry, we'II get there.
Look at that paIace!
It's not a paIace, it's Kartaus's den!
We'd better run! My heart feeIs
that our hero is in great danger.
Don't Iag behind!
HoId on to me!
If we can't persuade them,
we'II force them. We deaIt even
with stronger foes.
An axe and a rope,
a dagger and poison -
we'II put everything to use!
My grandfather, Koschey the ImmortaI,
was a most kind man.
My grandmother was
Baba-Yaga the Fifth.
- A bIue-bIooded viIIain.
- Stop sweet-taIking me!
Where's Agafon?
Kastryuk, the master wants you!
First we'II taIk
with the hero,
then we'II deaI
with your man.
Everything's aII right, master,
he's tied tight.
The news of you
spreads Iike wiIdfire...
great hero.
Take my riches.
Feast on my food.
Drink my overseas wines.
But never serve the Russian
Финист - ясный сокол Финист - ясный сокол

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