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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Два весёлых гуся

Два весёлых гуся

2009Two Merry Ganders
Art and directing: L. Nosyrev
Camera: M.Druyan
Composer: V.Kuprevich, Singers:
Yu.Filimonov, Yu.Yulskaya, K.Rumyanova
Grandma Alexander
Had two merry ganders
One was... grey!
and one was... white!
A pair of merry ganders.
One was grey, and one was white,
A pair of merry ganders.
They were both aflutter,
Splashing by the gutter.
One was grey, and one was white,
Hiding in the gutter.
One was grey, and one was white...
Hiding in the gutter.
Grandma Alexander
Cried "I lost my ganders!
One was grey, and one was white,
Oh, my poor ganders.
One was grey, and one was white,
Oh, my poor ganders."
Out they were a-coming,
To the grandma bowing.
One was grey, and one was white,
To the grandma bowing.
One was grey, and one was white,
To the grandma bowing.
Subs by Mr. Icon, Montreal 2009

Читайте также:
- текст Стиляги на английском
- текст Дневник его жены на английском
- текст Улицы в огне на английском
- текст Алиса в Стране Чудес на английском
- текст Крылья, ноги и хвосты на английском

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