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Главная / Даурия / Dauria

Даурия / Dauria

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And what if I'm dying to ask
- Shut up, bull moose, or...
- Wait!
What if I don't want to change
my way of life?
Then go home to your woman
and to your kids.
- I'd love to, only they'll kill me.
- Who will kill you?
The new authorities! Semyonov!
You see?
You're smart, aren't you?
That's the reason
we're lying low here.
You can't spend your life
lying low in the taiga.
Well, we're not going to.
The Soviets are behind the Urals.
They won't forget us.
So they must shed their blood for
you, while you're lying on your side?
They also have wives and kids.
They want to live, too.
Don't you have any shame, or all
you've got is your big ass?
What you're saying is right,
Roman Severyanovich,
but you shouldn't yell at people.
We must rise up here
and help the Red Army from within.
Then this...
The red sun of freedom
will rise over us much sooner.
Be quiet, please.
Hands up, if you want to live.
I said, hands up!
- Kolia, collect the guns.
- Yes.
Move it!
Come on, old man.
Your war is over.
Stepan, stand by the window.
Go on!
- Who's there?
- A messenger.
Oh, my God, Jesus Christ...
What do you want?
- Are the officers sleeping?
- Sleeping... Hello, comrades.
Stay in the kitchen,
and keep mum.
Wake up!
Collect the guns.
It smells like Shustovsky cognac.
Go ahead!
Why are you just sitting? Get up!
What kind of a masquerade is this?
Gotcha, the curly head!
Get out of here!
You bastard!
I surrender, gentlemen!
Kolyshkin, go to the right.
- Semyon, give me a smoke.
- You're doing fine without it.
- Any complaints from the prisoners?
- They don't say anything.
Spare your breath. The Cossacks
make everything to last.
Maxim, get the firewood!
Still humming and hawing?
Either you're going or not!
I don't want to hoof it,
but I don't have a horse.
We'll give you a horse.
We'll take it from some moneybag.
- Are you signing up?
- Yes, sign me up.
Roman Severyanovich?
Go get a gun.
What are we going to do with
the prisoners?
We'll decide it later.
The officers will stand trial!
- Your name?
- Nickolay Sytin.
- What's wrong with your arm?
- I've been wounded.
- By whom?
- It makes no difference.
- Did you fight for Semyonov?
- I was in the armed detachment.
Put it down.
- Your name! Do you hear me?
- Babkin.
How old are you?
You'd better go home, granddad.
- What did you say?
- I said, go home.
Don't be in the way, granddad.
- What's your name?
- Zadorov.
- Have you got a horse?
- Yes. A saber and a rifle, too.
Go on! Over here!
Please, talk to my wife!
She won't let me go!
We've caught him. Didn't manage to
flee, I guess. He's asking for you.
- Who are you?
- Merchant Kandaurov.
And you,
Roman Severyanovich Ulybin?
I've come to you from
the Partisan Army Staff.
The doctor wouldn't do it
for anything.
The doctor must be with the wounded
if you have to tie him with a chain!
- Got it!
- Right!
I'm telling you,
forget your lackey ways!
- Got this habit with your officers!..
- Yes!
And stop yelling. I'm not deaf.
Don't fall back! Move up!
- The Reds! Turn back!
- Oh, my God!..
Turn back, damn you! Go, fast!
Please, save us, dear creatures!
Have mercy, comrades!
Ah, you're talking comrades?
We're no comrades to you!
Oh, my goodness! They're ours!
Yefim, where are you?
- I took you for the Reds.
- What Reds?
- They've chased us for 15 versts.
- Are you sure?
They closed in on the mine at night.
No one managed to escape!
- How many of them?
- Swarms of them!
- Yefim, unharness the horses.
- All right.
What are we going to do?
We'll go to Mostovka
and see what's going on there.
If anything, our horses
will carry us away.
- Uncle Severyan, the Reds!
- The Reds!
Hold it!
Nikifor, we're leaving!
Cut them off the ravine!
Back to the ravine! Follow me!
Go on, Orlik! Come on, my pet!
Uncle Nikifor!
Drop the guns! Surrender!
Turn back,
Даурия / Dauria Даурия / Dauria

Читайте также:
- текст Убийцы на английском
- текст Токийская история на английском
- текст Восток - Запад на английском
- текст Непосредственный мальчуган на английском
- текст Дон жуан Де Марко на английском

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