POLYGON FILM STUDIO IN ASSOCIATION WITH SOUZ-VIDEO PRESENTS SERGEY ARTSYBASHEV ALEXANDRE BELYAVSKY UOZAS BUDRAITIS VICTOR PAVLOV MIKHAIL VLADIMIROV IVAN OKHLOBYSTIN VLADIMIR SHAINSKY SERGEY GABRIELYAN OLEG PASHCHENKO IN ROMAN KACHANOV FILM Have you got the money? What do you want aII that haIdoI for? I'II eat it and be driven to a madhouse. But what for? To join the army is not a pIeasure for me. DEMOBBED That was a hard year: taxes, disasters, prostitution, banditry, and insufficient recruitment. The probIem was attacked by our recruitment officer. He mustered aII IocaI Ioafers, fooIs and disabIed. The deaf were appointed to serve as guards at a Mountain Adder Post. Years have passed since the appointment and they are stiII keeping their weird guard. There is the word ''must''. It does not matter, I wiII not take the oath. Sonny, young you are. The oath is not for you but you are for the oath. Warrant officer, write down this phrase, simpIe and great. MUSIC BY PAVEL MOLCHANOV Mum, I hate to become a soIdier, I fear to serve. We have to caII our uncIe Victor for heIp. He is a zootechnician and must know how to shirk the service. RECORDING DIRECTOR VLADISLAV TARASOV To Iive outside the army is just the same as to make Iove in a rubber. There is a movement and no progress. EDITOR ALBINA ANTIPENKO Look here, you've burnt the whoIe pIace of our work. Excuse me, I did not want to. I run an experiment with a view to a rationaIization proposaI. Cannot you have at Ieast the accounts undamaged? - What for? - We shouId be paid our wages today. It went cIean out of my mind. Now keep in mind that if you faiI to Ieave for the army, you wiII be caged up Iike a jaiIbird. COSTUME DESIGNER PAVEL LIPATOV Everything human must be beautifuI: shouIder-straps, cap-badges, undergarment. Otherwise you are not a human but a mammaI. MAKE-UP ROMAN DARENSKY WhiIe doing so... ...you may significantIy extend the Iife of service of your carburetor and pIunger rings. Zinaida, get out of here. take your academic record and come to my office. You has become of age to go into the army. PeopIe are different: some defend their MotherIand against enemies' attacks, some attack their teachers' wives around the coIIege. Either peopIe can be servicemen. However, the former are serving, the Iatter hasn't yet. PRODUCTION DESIGNER YEKATERINA ZALETAYEVA Hey, Cheburashka Toy Who Has No Friend, I have been eating aII that haIdoI... ...and the army became more and more attractive. I don't know what shouId be done, Cheburashka Toy Who Has No Friend. COMPUTER ANIMATION ANTON MOLOK GEORGY KULIKOV Nature is neither a shrine, nor a workshop. Nature is a shoot-to-kiII gaIIery. - We have our beIiefs. - What beIiefs? We beIieve in our god Govindah who forbids us to shoot at peopIe. That's aII right. AII of you are fit for service. And your godindah is fit for aII purposes. Besides, your hair needn't have been cut. And you have staying power. To cry your prayers for four hours running is not within everyone's capacity. You wiII be appointed to serve in the chemicaI troops. ADMINISTRATOR SERGEY KHOTIMSKY We say, cannot you get to sIeep? FIy away, Russian eagIe. I and Cheburashka Toy... ... Who Has No Friend want to serve as gunners. You are weIcome! EXECUTIVE PRODUCER VICTOR ALISOV The serviceman is not an occupation but a sexuaI orientation. PRODUCERS SERGEY KHOTIMSKY MAXIM GARANIN SERGEY ALEKSEYEV ... My Iife seemed to be a pack of cards. I was sick of the worId and the worId didn't take a Iiking to me. I had to make a choice. Smoking was not aIIowed in monasteries, drinking in prisons. The army was a singIe option. It seemed to be a wonderfuI Iand of freedom from the worId and myseIf. To NationaI or EI Gaucho as usuaI? Today we go to a recruitment office. COORDINATOR FAINA BALK We have to amputate your forefinger. You wiII be unabIe ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Олигарх на английском - текст Корова на английском - текст Величайшее шоу мира на английском - текст Звёздный путь: Гнев Хана на английском - текст Иван Грозный: Боярский заговор на английском |