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Чем суровей они с нами обращаются

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You can get it if you really want
You can get it if you really want
You can get it if you really want
But you must try, try and try
Try and try
You'll succeed at last
Persecution you must bear
Win or lose
you've got to get your share
Got your mind set on a dream
- You can get it
if you want to perceive now
You can get it if you really want
You can get it if you really want
You can get it if you really want
What's that?
It stopped?
- Bus crash.
- Well, driver, don't move!
You carry a lovely mango from country.
You have any more?
- Taking this for my mother.
- Put it up.
You'll succeed at last
I know it
Rome was not built in a day
Opposition will come your way
But the harder the bat received
Makes the seer a victory now
You can get it if you really want
You can get it if you really want
You can get it if you really want
But you must try
Try and try, try and try
You'll succeed at last
You can get it if you really want
You can get it if you really want
Hey, country boy, move!
Wait a minute, man.
You know the way to Milk Lane?
You have money?
If you have money, go anywhere at all.
But if you don't have money,
you're fucked. Better you stay at home.
- All right, how much?
- Give me 50 cents and help me push.
Hey, it's a red light.
That means stop.
That's why country boys,
they get killed.
Did you hear that
Express yourself
Hey, Winston!
You know that bitch
owes me money.
Hey, give me back my money!
Go after him. Go after him.
Hey, the guy over there
sent me for his money.
He say you have the money, man.
Where's the guy now?
Bye, bye, bye
Good gracious
Stop that train
I want to get off
Hey, come back here, man!
Give me my things, man!
Come back here, man!
Stop that train
- I want to get off
- Where you goin', man? Where you goin'?
Goodness gracious
What's that?
How much you have?
Two. Owe this to your partner.
You know if this lady
live around here?
Oh, over there.
- My play?
- Yeah.
Let me draw!
All right, come inside.
- You sick, Momma?
- Yes.
I wonder your grandmother when you
leave. What you come to town for?
Grandma dead.
Dead? How she can be
and I never knew?
We tried to get you,
but the telegram came back.
- And when she going to bury?
- She buried already, Momma.
Bury already? Buried already,
and I never got to go to the funeral?
Oh, God! Oh, God!
Don't cry. Don't cry.
Don't you cry.
Oh, God.
And what happened to the place?
Grandma sold the place
before she died.
And what happened to the money?
She said she wanted a big funeral.
And she took all the money for her big
funeral, and I didn't even get to go?
Then the money finished?
A little bit left.
Well, don't you have it?
Yes, I do.
- It's all that is left?
- Yes.
Then how are you gonna get
back to country tonight?
I'm not going back.
Then where are you going? You can't
stay here, because I can't help you.
- I'm staying in town.
- You think town is easy? How you gonna live?
I could make a record.
I can sing, you know, Momma.
You take this thing for a joke?
Well, I can get a job, then.
What kind of job you can get,
other than a criminal?
Why you say a thing like that?
Why you say a thing like that about me?
Don't ask me any questions.
Go back to country.
All right.
Since you're determined,
I will give you the name of a person
who will try and help you.
If you behave yourself,
he may try and get a local job for you.
See it here?
- Preacher?
- Yes.
Him can help you.
Okay, Momma.
And you didn't even bring me
a mango from country?
Mango season was bad this year.
I've got three on this.
- Where's... Which four is that?
- Yeah.
One blank, down there
Чем суровей они с нами обращаются

Читайте также:
- текст Банзай, режиссёр! на английском
- текст Звёздный путь: Поколения на английском
- текст Питер Фм на английском
- текст Друзья - Сезон 6 на английском
- текст Собачье сердце на английском

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