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Анализ крови

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heavy for him.
-You son of a bitch!
-What the hell is going on here?
Jesus Christ! We came because the
captain wants you at the crime scene.
When this is over...
...you better get an ass transplant
because I'll tear you a new one!
Damn, it's cold.
Out of the way, please.
There's McCaleb. Mr. McCaleb,
did you think this was over?
I can't comment, I don't know
anything about anything.
-Oh, no.
This is where I had my attack.
James Lockridge, the guy who
found Cordell at the ATM machine.
Looks like your Code Killer's back.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Way to make a comeback.
Some people get flowers,
some people get chocolates.
You get a dead guy.
-What's going on?
It's all right.
Paper said something you didn't like?
Ballistics will match this slug
with the one in Bolotov's mouth.
It was the Code Killer.
Torres, Cordell, Bolotov, all of them.
What does that mean?
I shot him two years ago. The slug in
Bolotov's mouth is the one that hit him.
Now I'm back...
...and so is he.
Every second we're talking, you could
be trying to get this son of a bitch.
We got a lot of good
people out there.
You're right.
Better chance of breaking
this with you in here.
-Fuck you, Bureau man!
-Enough of that, detective.
Yes, sir.
This Code Killer likes to impress you.
Any idea why?
I had a media profile, so did he.
I guess he missed the matchup, me
and him on the news every night.
I thought once these guys started,
they didn't stop.
But your Codie's been
down for two years.
What do you make of that?
I don't know. I shot him. I always
figured he crawled off and died.
-What do the numbers mean?
-Don't know that either.
We ran it by the computers at Cal,
by the code breakers at the NSA.
Nobody comes up with anything.
Except what?
There's no digit number one.
No 1, whatever that might mean.
Guys, step out. Give us a minute.
Just cop to cop, what's going on here?
Cordell, Gloria Torres....
He did them for me.
Keep talking until I understand.
He missed the action. Me and him.
In order to get it back,
I needed a new heart, so...
...Happy Valentine's Day.
Holy shit.
Now the love letters are gonna start,
hot and heavy.
You might have the captain fooled,
but not me.
You got Torres' heart.
That makes you suspect number one.
What a waste of a good
Mexican's heart!
Get out of here.
Hey, Ter!
Welcome to Davy Jones' locker.
Have you seen Graciella and Raymond?
They got tired of waiting for you.
They left about an hour ago.
You're all over the news, brother!
How long we been neighbors?
I don't know. I moved into the marina
about a week after you.
-Raise up your shirt.
Raise it up.
Come on, turn around.
I'm the following sea, man.
I'm the one you need to watch out for.
When did you figure it out?
On the check.
" No one."
I had a little trouble
with the Jasper part.
I could've killed you if I wanted to.
I was behind you at the ATM.
I followed you to Kang's Market,
just like I followed Gloria Torres.
You sick son of a bitch.
I studied her. I chose her.
She was my valentine to you.
I gave you life.
What else you wanna know?
That necklace belonged to a girl
named Sunny. Lockridge's wife.
There's a story for every piece
of crap on that tray.
Come on, man.
You're mine forever.
Every breath you take belongs to me.
Every beat of that stolen heart is
the echo of my voice in your head.
Every day.
It depends on you. Pull that trigger,
you'll never see them again.
-Kill me, no one will find them.
They will die. Alone.
In a black hole.
And that will be on you.
You know me. You know I have them.
-What do you want?
-I want you to live.
I want me to live.
I want it all to start again, you know,
the battle between good and evil.
Can't you see I've been getting you
back to where you need to be?
I'm not interested.
Bullshit. That day in the car,
what did you
Анализ крови Анализ крови

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- текст Синее небо на английском
- текст Остров Сокровищ на английском
- текст В то же время, в следующем году на английском
- текст Величайшее шоу мира на английском
- текст Отец солдата на английском

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