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Главная / Александр маленький

Александр маленький

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l want to put you in charge of the
editorial secretariat. Can you cope?
l'll try to.
Yes, please try.
But first you have to go
for a day to Blankenheim.
The burgomaster there is a...
Hubner, former
concentration camp prisoner.
He organized a sort
of children's home.
He just called, panicked.
He asks to send there
someone from the editorial office.
The connection was terrible.
All l understood is that
their situation is pretty bad.
Go there. Take
two barrels of bacon with you.
- l'll give instructions.
- That'll be fine.
And, yes, Tessa Tenser
will go with you.
She's a German working
for our newspaper.
Oh, that girl...
Have you already met?
How come she speaks Russian?
Her father is an engineer.
Worked in Russia for many years.
- Any more questions?
- Yes, Comrade Colonel.
We have two kids with us,
they're orphans.
We've to take them to their relatives.
Can you tell me where this place is?
Berlin is a big city.
l guess Tessa will be of more
help to you in this matter.
We'll find it.
- Do it.
- Yes.
Yes, Germans will have
a lot of work, too.
Turn left, please.
No, it can't even compare to Minsk.
Turn left...
You can't find anything here.
l recognize this place,
it's around the corner.
- This way, please.
- Will do.
There's nothing to look at here.
Listen, let's go with us.
Look, Russians!
Russians are here!
Maybe they brought something to eat.
lf only l had a machinegun.
l would've talked to that officer.
- The war is over.
- Not for me.
Good afternoon, friends.
Who can show us the burgomaster's
They're not Russians,
they're ours, in camouflage.
Why have you donned that uniform?
Are you a traitor?
l'm Russian.
No Russian can speak
our language so well.
Want me to teach you speak
Russian? Everybody will just gasp.
l ain't speaking dogs' language.
You traitor.
What did you say?
You aren't speaking
humans' language now either.
What is he yelling about?
He doesn't believe l'm Russian.
And you?
Are you Russian, too?
You're Russian yourself.
You ride with them.
Did they take you prisoner?
You stupid.
And this one with you. Why isn't
she speaking? ls she mute?
But you're talking too much.
Pinsel, shut up.
Or they won't give us anything to eat.
The hell l'll shut up!
The burgomaster's coming!
Good afternoon.
Welcome to Blankenheim.
We're from the newspaper.
Sergeant Chrishchanowitch.
Pleased to meet you.
We've been waiting for you.
How could you make it here?
Bridges are blown up, roads are
impassable. We're like on an island.
We got here thanks to Kurykin.
He's an army driver.
Greetings, Herr.
Hello. Let's go to my
office. We can talk there.
My bag.
The coffee mill is flying!
Coffee mill!
The coffee mill is flying!
lt's the newspaper.
That's how they deliver it to us.
What was it?
That's their mail service.
One of my pals
at the front used to say
that it's better to lie down alive
for 5 minutes than dead for life.
All right, children, run
and pick it up.
l thought of a way to make them busy.
They deliver it to the houses.
No one in the village
is interested in anything,
but we make them
learn the truth.
Usually l fly in this plane
and drop the bundles,
but l had no idea
they call us the coffee mill.
l'm always afraid
that the plane would not come.
This paper seems to come from the new
life. Even the children feel it.
Uncle, have you been at the war?
- Me?
- Yes.
Yes. Why?
Have you met my dad there?
No, kid.
l didn't happen to.
Has he been killed?
l don't think so.
l'm sure he wasn't.
Do you know when he's coming back?
Now everyone will come back soon.
- Honest?
- Yes.
l gotta run now.
- My name is Martha. And yours?
- l'm lrmgard.
Tell me, this Russian
officer, is he a good man?
Yes, he's good.
Are you in love with him?
Why do you think so?
lt's showing.
lt's the way you look at him.
- What nonsense are you talking?
Александр маленький Александр маленький

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- текст Бегущий по лезвию на английском
- текст Схватка на английском

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