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Главная / Этой ночи жена

Этой ночи жена

ENDActors: Okada Tokihiko, Yagumo Emiko
original Title: "From nine to nine"
THAT NIGHT'S WIFE by Ozu Yasuhiro
Original Text: Oscar Sizgole
Adaptation: Noda Kogo
Director: Ozu Yasujiro
Photography: Mohara Hideo
Shuji (husband): Okada Tokihiko
Mayumi (woman): Yagumo Emiko
Michiko (daughter): Ichimura Mitsuko
Kagawa (detective): Yamamoto Fuyugou
Suda (doctor): Saito Tatsuo
If she makes it through the night,
she'll be out of danger.
You're not too tired from last night, are you?
No,I'm all right.
Hasn't papa returned yet?
He'll come soon, just rest and take it easy.
Please, call papa.
Papa's gone to get some money for
medicine, he'll return soon.
Liar! Call papa!
Hello, Let me speak with doctor Suda,
I won't be able to return home tonight.
How is the girl?
She is in critical condition.
I don't know what your situation is,
but you must return home tonight.
But what...
I'm poor, nobody has any money to lend me.
I cannot let Michiko die, she must recover.
When Michiko has recovered I will pay it back.
I am a policeman. Where is your husband?
He left this morning and
hasn't returned yet.
I think he has come.
My daughter is in a critical condition,
that's the reason why...
I will not bother her. I can even help
crush the ice.
Please, officer, she's young
and shouldn't be frightened.
I'm sorry to be a nuisance,
but I must do my duty.
I accompanied your husband home.
Come out!
Quickly, escape!
I can't leave my girl.
Our daughter may die from her illness,
She needs her father. We can only wait
and let the healing take care of itself.
Until she's well, You won't move from here.
Beloved, don't worry about me,
think about Michiko!
Don't move, you mustn't wake the girl.
I think until the doctor arrives,
you should rest a little.
I took the money that you hid in your sleeve.
Fortunately, she's past the critical
phase, and is far better now.
Naturally, she still needs your care.
Let's have a last cup of coffee,
in token of goodbye.
you thought I was asleep,
In fact I slept, but didn't
help him escape.
I've decided I no longer want to escape.
When I've paid for my crimes
I can be with Michiko, carefree.
Let's leave, before my daughter wakes.

Читайте также:
- текст Пять вечеров на английском
- текст Космические яйца на английском
- текст Никто не знает про секс на английском
- текст Прах Анджелы на английском
- текст Улицы в огне на английском

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