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Агнец божий

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don't know
why I should be punished.
-For what?
-I don't know, I don't know.
That was the beginning,
the night of the conception.
When was that?
The 23rd of January.
One of our elder nuns passed.
-Sister Paul?
I don't know where Agnes was.
I was needed in the sickroom.
His Excellence expresses his
gratitude for the care you're taking.
-She shouldn't return to the convent?
You're probably right.
It can't help Sister Agnes
to have this investigation continue.
I never called it an investigation.
Your mother was a resident
of Saint Catherine's.
-What does...?
-Your sister died in a convent.
-Who told you this?
-Do you still go to church?
-What business...?
-We wonder if you can be objective.
Look, just because I don't
subscribe to your beliefs...
Your beliefs make no difference
to us whatsoever.
But they do to Agnes.
-You expect me to just condemn her?
-Someone's got to suffer for this.
You've got to be merciful and quick.
Excuse me.
Agnes, I want to help you.
-I'm not sick.
-You're troubled, aren't you?
Because you keep reminding me.
Let me forget.
-You're unhappy.
-Everyone is, aren't you?
-You never answer me.
Sometimes, yes.
Your mother never said things
to you or did things to you.
-But that was because I was bad.
-What did you do?
-I'm always bad.
I breathe.
What did your mother do to you?
If you can't answer, just
shake your head. Did she hit you?
Did she make you do something
you didn't want to do?
Did it make you feel uncomfortable
to do it?
Did it embarrass you?
Did it hurt you?
What did she make you do?
-You can tell me.
-I can't.
-She's dead. She can't hurt you.
-She can.
-She watches.
Agnes, I don't believe that. Tell me.
I'll protect you from her.
-...makes me...
...take off my clothes, and then...
-She makes fun of me.
-She tells you you're ugly.
-That you're stupid.
-That you're a mistake.
-My whole body is a mistake.
She says if I don't watch out,
I'll have a baby.
-How does she know?
Oh, yes.
-And then...
She touches me down there
with her cigarette.
Please, Mommy.
Don't touch me like that anymore.
I'll be good.
I won't be a bad baby anymore.
Oh, Agnes.
I want you to do something.
I want you to pretend
that I'm your mother.
-Tell her what you're feeling.
-I'm afraid.
Please, I want to help you.
Let me help you.
All right.
"You're ugly!"
What do you say?
-I don't know.
-Yes, you do!
"You're ugly!"
What do you say?
-No, I'm not.
-Are you pretty?
-"You're stupid!"
-No, I'm not.
-Are you intelligent?
-I am!
-"You're a mistake!"
-I'm not!
How can I be a mistake if I'm here?
God doesn't make mistakes!
You're a mistake!
Oh, Agnes, it's all right.
It's all right.
I love you. I love you.
It's all right.
Do you really love me
or are you just saying that?
I really love you.
As much as Mother Miriam loves me?
As much as God loves you.
I've been watching.
We were fine until she came.
She brought the devil here.
There was blood on her hand
that night. I saw.
Who? Mother Superior?
-Look into the convent records.
Good afternoon, Sister.
I'm looking for some biographical
data on Sister Agnes.
Mother said I might find it here.
Thank you.
-You lied to me!
-About what?
Your niece!
-I didn't think it was important.
-It just makes you doubly responsible!
I never saw her until she came.
My sister ran away from home.
We lost touch. When I came here,
she asked me to take care of Agnes.
And Agnes' father?
Any of a dozen men,
from what my sister told me.
She wanted to prevent Agnes
from following in her footsteps.
By keeping her home,
listening to angels?
-She drank too much.
-You know what she did to her?
-I don't think I care to know.
-She molested her.
There is more than meets
Агнец божий Агнец божий

Читайте также:
- текст Кошка, которая гуляла сама по себе на английском
- текст Питер Фм на английском
- текст Друг на английском
- текст Космический Джэм на английском
- текст Шиза на английском

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