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Главная / 12 разгневанных мужчин

12 разгневанных мужчин

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have been at the movies
and forgotten what he saw,
it's possible...
If it's perfectly logical for this
jentleman to forget a few details,
it's perfectly logical for the boy!
Being accused of murder isn't supposed
to give him an infallible memory.
Man, you can talk till your tongue is draggin'
on the ground, ok? The kid is guilty, period!
You know what I mean, my friend?
Who's got the cough drops?
They're all gone... my friend.
You know, there's something we're forgetting
here, that I was just thinking about
and that's that old business that dragged down forever
with the psychiatrists, where he got all involved with...
Oh come on, don't start with all that phony,
psycho, whatsyoucallem stuff!
That boy would have reckon that is, fill
the people's heads with all that junk.
I got three psychiatrists bringing in
collars to my detail shop,
the whole three of them bullies is crazy!
I'm trying to make a point...
I will give you a buffalo nickel for a
psychiatrist's testimony, I would... I would!
Why won't you let the man talk?
You can do five minutes on the usages
of psychiatry after he's through.
What I was gonna say,
was that the psychiatrist definitely stated that
the boy had strong homicidal tendencies,
that he was capable of commiting murder.
He also described all those tests, etc.
The boy definitely was the killer type!
Am I right?
I think he said something about
paranoid enmities, if I'm not mistaken.
That's right!
Let's just try to remember he said it.
Let's not forget that we're talking about a boy
here who's always had murder on his mind.
His unconscious mind!
I beg your pardon! In discussing...
"I beg your pardon"!
Why are you so damn polite about?
For the same reason that you are not:
It was the way I was brought up...
In discussing such a thing as the murder potential,
we must remember that many of us are capable
of commiting murder, but few of us do.
We impose controls upon ourselves to prevent it.
Now the most that these psychiatric tests
can accomplish along these lines is this...
They can tell us that some day, a
particular person may commit murder.
That is all! They prove nothing!
Then how come they're admitted in evidence?
They have many uses, of course...
In this case, they added to the general impression
the prosecution was trying to create.
Perhaps we would find,
if the twelve of us men took the same tests,
one or two of us might be discovered to
have the subconscious desires to kill
and the potentiality of carrying them out.
Yet, none of us has...
To say that the man is capable of murder,
does not mean that he has commited murder.
Yeah, but it could mean it!
Look, if they said that this kid is capable of
killing, he could've killed, couldn't he?
You're the one who said and I quote: "I wouldn't give
a buffalo nickel for a psychiatrist's testimony"!
5 to 6...
Look at that rain...
There goes the old ball game.
Say... Say... Could I see that knife for a second?
Alright jentlemen...
...we're still tied 6 to 6.
- Who's got a suggestion?
- I do. Where's that dinner?
- Let's go until 7, give it another hour.
- Ok.
Listen... Something... Something I wanna say.
It's been bothering me a little and...
as long as we're stuck...
there was this whole business about the stab wound,
how it was made, the downward angle, you know?
- You're not gonna start that again, they went over 'n' over it!
- I know they did, but I...
...I can't go along with it.
The boy...
...was, what, 5 feet 7 inches tall, right?
And according to the medical examiner,
the father was 6 feet 2.
Now, that's a difference of 7 inches.
Now, it's an awkward thing to...
stab down into somebody's chest when he's
more than half a foot taller than you are.
Give me that thing!
You won't be satisfied till you see this again,
so I'm gonna give you a little demonstration.
Somebody get up.
Watch this please, I don't
wanna have to do it again.
I'm about 6
12 разгневанных мужчин 12 разгневанных мужчин

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- текст Мистер Норт на английском
- текст Когда опускается ночь на английском
- текст Флетч жив на английском

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