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Раба любви

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and humane.
We'll warm it up and make humane.
Veniamin Konstantinovich, my dear,
if you feel exhausted, if you've lost
a divine spark, then say so.
But you can't keep letting me and
Olga Nikolayevna down!
I pay thirty rubles for a script.
Not many writers get that much.
Savva Yakovlevich, I'll rewrite every-
thing and make it a gem. I promise.
- Oh, how hot it is!
- Nobody asks for your opinion!
It's outrageous!
So no one comes here?
- No.
- I see.
Anybody, help me! Oh, God!
- How is Olga Nikolayevna?
- She's fine, thank you.
Give my warmest regards to her.
Maksakov, Maksakov...
But I don't know where he is.
They left Moscow two weeks ago,
there's been no word from them since.
Maybe they got into Makhno's hands,
or some... other bandits'.
Yes, how well it's said
about our Russian cinema.
We're all beasts in the jungle,
all we know is just wrangle.
- How true it is.
- I've never done any wrong to anybody.
And I've never wished to.
And you, by the way, simply stabbed
me in the back with that film.
Savva Yakovlevich, I'm even glad
that we don't have film stock.
First, we've got nothing to film,
and nobody to film for.
- You start it again?
- Did I say anything?
I said nothing...
Get out of the way!
Outrageous! What are you doing?!
No, we're not going to wait. We'll
get the film and complete shooting.
We'll replace Duchamp with
Yes, yes, I know.
But I've never had an affair with her.
And besides, she's beautiful.
And this guy instead of Maksakov.
Him? Never!
Mister Kanin,
with whom are you working now?
Now I'm in Kazhokhirs film, but in
an hour I'll start with Boim himself.
What part will you play?
The devil only knows.
They only said I'll need a beard.
That's how it is.
You want to cast me?
No, no, no!
We're waiting for Maksakov.
Oh... But if you do, don't lose time,
I'm in a great demand nowadays.
Well, girls, comment ca va?
Everybody, we're shooting! Smoke!
Camera! And with God's help, action!
Good! The guard's sleeping
and seeing a nightmare.
Turn your head to the camera,
you bald one! Good!
It's raining! Mother!
The goose! Good. Good.
From the bushes, slowly and ominously
the Janissaries are crawling out.
It's scary. Oh, it's so scary.
Everyone is scared!
Bare your teeth! I can't see your
Good! A short skirmish.
Kill the captives!
Stop brandishing your lance, you fool!
You're blocking the way!
Fall down, stupid!
We're running out of film!
Anyone alive there?
Or should I do it myself?
Fall down! Hit him!
Great! Cut, ladies and gentlemen!
It pains me to look at that.
They're doing real work,
and we're just lolling about.
He's been shooting for three days
already, bastard!
The film will be released any day now
and we'll look awful!
O Lord! Help us and save us,
ruin that Oriental rubbish of theirs!
Help me at least once in my life,
dear God, I beg you!
Alexander Alexandrovich!
I've got an idea.
Look, it's interesting.
The Bolsheviks are in Moscow,
Denikirs army is here.
Petlyura's men are in between.
And we're like in a childrers room.
A rosy childrers room.
Our life is like a house on fire,
where children have been forgotten.
Yes, it's true.
When as a child I was afraid of
something, I closed my eyes to hide.
Right, but that guy never stops
Let's keep our eyes closed,
let's keep them closed.
Look, stop writing.
I understood everything,
I'll rewrite it and make it a gem.
Let's go out and get some fresh air,
and keep our eyes closed.
Let's go to the fresh air, gentlemen.
And come what may.
Arkasha! Arkasha, where are you?
I've been... I've been looking for you
What's the matter? Everyone's waiting
for us. Come on, quick, my dear.
Fruits, please, ladies and gentlemen.
Look what our Arkasha can do!
Arkasha, please show them.
How charming!
Girls, come here!
You see how extravagant we can be
with our talents?
Раба любви Раба любви

Читайте также:
- текст Аты-баты, шли солдаты... на английском
- текст Завещание профессора Доуэля на английском
- текст История о плавучей траве на английском
- текст Миссис Минивер на английском
- текст Звёздный путь 3: В поисках Спока на английском

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