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Петля Ориона

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on a fading album page,
Dim will it seem and enigmatic,
Like words traced on a tomb, a relic
Of some long dead and vanished age.
What's in my name? Long since forgot,
Erased by new, tempestuous passion,
Of tenderness 'twill leave you not
The lingering and sweet impression.
But in an hour of agony,
Pray, speak it, and recall my image.
And say, " He still remembers me,
His heart alone still pays me homage..."
- You're relieved. You can rest.
- Yes.
Tamarkin! General communication!
We're in the electronic module.
- Dementyeva, go to your cabin now.
- All right.
Listen, Captain.
I want to understand why the hologram
can't transmit all the information.
Something scares them.
I see a regular trend here: as soon as
we get agitated, they disappear.
With agitation, the activity of
the brain's biocurrents increases.
But why is the exposure to their
effect so painful for our brain?
You suggest recording the fluctuations
of the holograms' energy?
To stretch and decode them.
Bright boy!
Come on in.
Thank you for helping
to find our comrade.
What happened to him?
We couldn't protect him from
the broco in outer space.
Broco? What's that?
- The energy of thought.
- Where does it come from?
From the Planet Diana.
Planet Diana, which is near
the Ephor Star.
In the ornament of the disc
that was left for us.
You want to ask about the 10th planet?
It perished long ago,
in a cosmic catastrophe.
Its inhabitants moved to Diana,
they want to save you from danger.
What danger?
You are to be saved by Orion's Loop,
as you call it.
The Loop, is it the broco?
No. It's an energy belt
built by Diana's inhabitants.
- Shall we meet them?
- We're the guides on your way to them.
How do they know about humans?
We've met them.
Diana's inhabitants have visited
your planet.
But the humans who met you
all died.
Perhaps this lot awaits us too?
We didn't and don't want it.
- Does this wall protect us from broco?
- Yes.
And what if it's removed?
You'll feel a lot of pain,
like those others.
We need to know it
to understand you.
Aren't you afraid?
All right.
There's no wall between us any more.
- I feel sorry for him.
- My cyborg struggled like a man.
Sasha, let the computer process
the results of the experiment.
- You're not afraid either?
- No.
All right.
There's no wall between us any more.
Be more specific, what danger
threatens the Earth?
This is the Earth.
From here, outside the solar system,
a cosmic typhoon's moving to Earth.
It is carrying a deadly virus
of the glass disease.
We couldn't let
the inhabitants of Earth perish,
so we built the protective
Orion's Loop.
We wanted to inform you about it
as soon as possible,
sending the information
into the astronauts' brains.
Your brain couldn't stand
that violence,
but you helped us.
And now we're beginning
to understand each other.
- Main computer.
- Listening.
Immediately send the information about
the Loop and the virus to Earth.
Doing it, Captain.
Now we have to think 100 times
before making the next move.
- What do we know? Those holograms...
- You're right. They compress the data.
And the wall stretches the information
code and protects our brains.
The cyborg held on for 20 seconds
without protection.
- The man will hold on for only 6.
- That's why August doesn't remember.
Anna Petrovna, allow me
to make a test on myself.
No, Masha. Today we're completing
the experiment. I'll do it myself.
You've got heart problems, and
we're approaching the pain threshold.
Don't worry, everything will be
all right.
- All right? Are you ready, Masha?
- Ready.
All right.
Let's start.
We're beginning.
Turn it on.
- Maybe I'll try?
- No.
- Shall I decrease the voltage?
- Don't touch it.
Increase it, Masha.
- No. It's dangerous.
- Masha, put it on!
How could you?
I had to.
Phaethon. Phaethon.
Earth speaking.
Phaethon. Phaethon. Earth
Петля Ориона Петля Ориона

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