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Звездный Путь: Встреча капитанов

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Very, very rarely.
-Very rarely.
-I did say, "We'll draw the line here."
-You yelled at Alfre.
-Yeah, I seem to remember saying...
-That's not a yell.
-I could turn "here" into three syllables.
You did say this at one time, though.
I'm not sure if it was on camera.
"I have never, in my 30 years
in the theatre, been treated like this."
I do remember hearing that once.
-What was it about?
-What was it about?
I don't know,
something to do with craft service...
Cold coffee or something?
No cheese? The crackers were bad?
Like, what was it? Cold coffee?
Whoopi was asking about directing.
I'm going to help you out a little bit here.
-Oh, no! Why?
-It was a good question.
Listen, this is, to me, this is just a joy
'cause I've never gotten
to sit with all of you. So...
The things that you've been able to do,
whether it's directing or acting,
and in a bit we're going to talk about
the things that are outside of Star Trek,
-I just find it amazing...
-I want you to ask Bill
about the first day that he heard...
What was his reaction
the first day that he heard
that I was going to direct
the next Star Trek film?
Bill, what was your reaction
the first time that you heard...
-We're going to enjoy this.
-I'm looking forward to this, too.
...that Leonard was going to direct
the first Star Trek: Generation movie?
You can't be serious!
"What the hell am I going to do?"
That's about it. That's about it.
There's a few more...
-Did you want to direct?
-It lasted several days.
-Did I want to direct?
I really love directing.
We all obviously love directing.
Leonard taught me a great deal.
Leonard taught me courage.
Actors are mostly fearful, you know.
"The next job..."
"Will they not love me?" "Will they..."
He didn't even give a thing.
He didn't care, at one point.
Mostly because he didn't care.
So, he had the audacity to say,
"All right, I'll play it, but I want to direct."
Which is what we were all,
what most actors want to do anyway.
But we're fearful they'll say,
"No, thank you. Goodbye.
"No, we got our director,
thank you so much."
Because once you say,
"I'll do it, but I have to direct,"
you can't say,
"All right, I'll do it, but I won't direct."
-Right. Right.
-I mean, that's humiliating.
So, if you take a position,
you've got to stand the position, so...
Or a price. If you say, "No, I want $10."
"Well, we've only got five."
"Well, I'll take seven."
"No, we only have five."
So you come down,
"All right, I'll take the five."
-You know, you can't...
So, he had the audacity to stand there
and say,
"I'm going to direct or I'm not going
to be in it." And they went, "Okay."
So, Jonathan, you directed the movies,
you directed the TV, why?
I wasn't that good an actor.
So I was turned
into a nice little director.
Why? 'Cause it's what Bill said, it's...
I don't know if you feel this way,
but I know that
I certainly did, that it was a dream
to get to direct. It was something that
you're more involved in the storytelling.
I like the whole managing of the people,
casting a crew at the same time as
you cast the cast, the whole... I loved it.
And I loved being on the set every day,
I loved the whole...
And I had the company of my friends
for my first movie.
The people who I trusted,
whose opinion I valued.
None of us on our show would have
directed had it not been for Jonathan.
That's me, Gates, LeVar, Michael.
Have I missed anyone?
Brent never wanted to, did he?
-No, he says he didn't.
-He says...
-Marina, no...
-But he'll come back in the next movie
because he's got... It said, "Remember."
He got to direct an episode because
he went to what Jonathan called,
"Paramount University."
Which meant that
in addition to playing Commander Riker,
and all of that work that that involved,
Jonathan, for two years,
went to every production meeting,
editing sessions,
he sat in on casting sessions.
He learnt the
Звездный Путь: Встреча капитанов Звездный Путь: Встреча капитанов

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