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Женщина из Токио

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with commitment.
If striking me makes you feel better,
don't feel sorry for me.
However, in compensation
you must think only of studying.
Where are you going, Ryo?
I don't know!
Don't torment yourself.
Don't worry, sooner or later
Ryo will understand you.
It would have been better
if I had gone to see Chikako.
Is Ryoichi there?
He's not been home since
yesterday evening.
I must tell you something.
I spoke to Ryo about the gossip
that my brother has reported to me.
I have made him worry uselessly.
I knew that sooner or later
Ryo would uncover the truth.
Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.
But I am very sorry for Ryo.
You are wanted on the telephone,
it's Kinoshita.
It is about Ryo.
He has killed himself.
He has killed himself.
Do you know why has
he committed suicide?
I don't have any idea.
What relationship did you have?
This event isn't newsworthy.
Ryo, you didn't understand me
even at the end.
To die for someone like me.
What a coward!
They've published this extraordinary
edition before us.
THE ENDWoman of Tokyo
Translation of "Sixteen Hours"
by Ernst Shwartz
(Austria 1882-1928)
Script: Noda Kogo
Ikeda Tadao
Director: Ozu Yasujiro
Photography: Mohara Hideo
Sister, after university I'm going to see Harue.
Don't I have any other socks?
You must pay the university tax.
Nothing will happen if I pay them late.
I have the money, it's better to pay them.
Keep your allowance too.
Say hello to Harue for me.
Will you also get back late this evening?
It depends on the professor.
Make yourself comfortable and amuse yourself.
The Director of Staff will be here immediately.
You're certain Shimamura works here?
She is there.
Has anything happened to Shimamura?
I don't know anything, but I have an order from Central.
How is she at work?
She's worked here for four years.
She's very diligent.
She's a good woman, she takes care of her brother.
It seems that every day after work she goes to Sendagaya...
...to help a professor with some translations.
Do you know the name of the professor?
You're good, eh!
I have lost the program.
Can I keep it?
When I return home I want to tell the plot to my brother.
I have been to see a film with Ryo.
Will Chikako already be home?
You're going out?
I want to speak with Chikako in private.
If you want, I can speak to her.
I don't think it's blind chance.
I have learnt something embarrassing.
She seems to have some foul bahaviours.
It seems after she finishes at the office she goes to work at a nightclub.
Then it isn't true she goes to help a professor!
I too, would like to believe her.
But it is not only this...
It is only gossip, but I give you this advice, as your brother.
Please let me talk to her.
I'm afraid Chikako will get angry if you say it to her.
Chikako, it's you?
You're sister hasn't returned yet?
Must you speak with her?
The professors work takes up a lot of her time.
You can tell me if you want.
You can't say it to me?
If thats what you want.
If your sister was not what you believe, what would you do?
What are you saying? What nonsense!
That's not all.
Your sister seems to work in a nightclub.
Why do you slander my sister?!
Because she has been signalled to the police as a dangerous person.
Have you come to find her for this reason?
If it's like that, get lost!
I believe in my sister.
She wouldn't do such a thing.
I would like to believe her too...
You go away!
I don't want to talk with someone who thinks such things about my sister!
Anyone who wants to interfere in our life if my enemy.
You are cruel to tell me such things.
Beat it!
Your sister is on the telephone.
I'll be late again, I'm sorry.
I wonder who you
Женщина из Токио Женщина из Токио

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