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Главная / Земля Санникова

Земля Санникова

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going to carry him!
...I'll force you to carry him through the ice...
... Krestovsky, one more step and I shoot! Do you hear me?
- Go ahead, shoot! I'll make that step. One step...
And another one, and another...
...Got no guts? Come on, shoot!
...Look! I see the land!
- Can't believe my eyes.
- What's that? Do you hear that?
- Brontides.
- I observed similar event in Turkey. Rumbling all the time... shake up...
... And Istanbul turned into ruins...
- What's wrong?
- I saw something.
- What did you see?
- I don't know. But I saw something.
- Let's go.
- I swear I saw something!
- Rumbling again.
- We get a cold reception from this land.
- What a land! It boils and fries.
- This incredible view makes me feel sad. When I start telling stories about it no one is going to believe me...
...The valley of thousand smokes.
- Yeap, many smokes. But looks like there is no gold.
- You're wrong, Ignaty. I found interesting rock samples pointing at the possible gold presence. Look.
- Incredible land. Plants in the Arctic ice.
- That's the mystery of the Sannikov Land.
...Volcano is heating the ground. The circle of high mountains protects the valley from cold winds.
- Ignaty, the porridge is getting cold!
- He's looking for gold there.
- I caught him.
- He could not disappear without a trace.
- Gentlemen, don't you think we are being watched?
- Let's go.
- New arrow.
- Congratulation, friends.
- It's our turn now.
- We are not going to shoot people armed with arrows.
- Of course. We'll wait till they kill us.
- Neither one thing nor another.
- Don't you think that our expedition has shrank by one more person?
- Gentlemen, everything is all right. Come here.
- I told you we would be welcomed with open arms.
- My father is the Onkilon chief. He wants to hear your voice.
- There is nothing good in me.
- Then you're a bad person.
- No, I mean there is little fat and meat in me...
...I'm telling you in case you intend to eat me, Your Excellency... I don't recommend you to...
...You might get sick after. Heaven forbid!
- I like you, alien.
... Why did you come to our land?
- Your Grace, not by my own will. Trifon Stepanovich press-ganged me.
- He forced me to discover the Promised Land. But I don't need it.
- I don't even want to look at your land...Sorry.
- Do you want to stay with us?
- Your Majesty! I've dreamed of it since childhood! Adopt me!
- You'll stay with us, alien...
... But we will watch your brothers...
...If they bring sorrow to us you'll die.
- What a relief! Thank you very much, Your Highness!
- Great chief, it's a disaster.
- The spirits are angry with us. They don't give us fire.
- Ask them one more time.
- Your Highness, if you want to make a fire I can do it in no time.
...You don't have to try so hard.
- What if Onkilons stop trusting you?
- You're a great shaman. Do you have a quick fire in your hands?
- You mean this? It's a plain sailing. Take it.
...You might need it in the forest to get warm or  to have a smoke. Take it.
- Take it, don't be afraid.
- On the sacred day of the full moon our great ancestors bequethed...
... strong and brave Onkilon warriors to choose their wives.
A free Onkilon female will obey the one who overtakes her and prevents her from throwing a sunlight into the fast flow.
- You didn't catch the bride.
- I missed you.
- You're alive!
- I keep watching aliens...
...I know they're evil shamans.
They gather rocks and plants...
... to cook their potion and  kill your people.
Order me and I'll kill them.
- Gentlemen, you should be very careful with them. No one knows what's on their minds.
- These are my friends, Trifon Stepa... Your Majesty.
- We're the Onkilons. Our ancestors fled to this land from evil people. Who're you? Aliens, what do you want?
- We are completely different people. Harmless.
...We've come to watch your land. We'll go back soon.
- No one should know about Onkilons' land...
- You'll stay with us
Земля Санникова Земля Санникова

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