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to your room right now, OK?
Did you turn your sister's cell phone
on vibrate like I told you?
- Yeah.
- Good boy,
Wait for me to call you back, OK?
- OK,
- All right.
- I gotta get better plans to this house,
- s
Where's Shoemaker?
- Yeah,
- It's about Walter Smith.
- What happened?
- He's awake.
- I gave him the shot,
- OK.
Mr, Smith, my name is Jeff Talley,
I'm the chief of police
here in Bristo Camino,
I've been talking to your son, Tommy,
He's still inside the house,
along with his sister Jennifer,
I know you know the kind of young men
they're dealing with,
I need that DVD, Mr, Smith,
You know what I'm talking about,
You save my children,
Of course I want to save your family,
But the only way I can do it
is if I get that DVD,
Heaven Can Wait.
Where is it?
- You OK, buddy?
- Yeah, I'm fine,
Tommy, I have to ask you
a grown-up question now, OK?
If you could do it safely,
and only if you could do it safely,
could you get into your daddy's office
without anyone seeing you?
I guess so, But my daddy says
I'm never ever supposed to go in there,
Shh, Keep your voice down, buddy,
Keep your voice down, Remember?
- Tommy, do you like to play video games?
- Yeah,
Do you?
What kind of games do you play?
I like Monster Jam,
I play Bounty Hunter, I play Wubba Zorg...
Wubba Zorg, I know Wubba Zorg,
I know that game,
That means you know
who Agent Zero is, right?
What do you think
Agent Zero would do right now?
Do you think he would say
"never ever," Tommy?
No, he wouldn't say "never,"
Agent Zero would help Captain Wubba
save Planet Xenon,
Are you like Captain...
Are you like Captain Wubba?
And my house is Planet Xenon.
And Captain Wubba's
gonna save Planet Xenon,
Yeah, Tommy,
Captain Wubba's
gonna save Planet Xenon,
But I need your help.
Well, the most efficient entry point
is here, The pool area,
Four-man team ropes in, Silent entry
through one of the skylights here,
All right,
I put the doer and the two boys here in the
courtyard, I keep the two kids in the house,
- How much time you need for the play?
- Two minutes,
Say you can get
the hostages to the pool area,
How are you gonna get all three suspects
to this side of the house?
Well, we're about to jump off that bridge,
aren't we?
- Yeah?
- I'm coming up.
- What?
- You and I are gonna talk.
Make sure you're alone.
What do you want?
You by yourself?
We got a problem, Dennis,
Oh, yeah?
Walter Smith just died,
Hear what I said?
I know Mars killed my cop,
but Smith's death is on you, man,
Things just got a lot more complicated,
didn't they, Dennis?
Not to mention the fact
that helicopters are very expensive,
Gotta pay for the fuel, the pilot...
chief of police,
You know what cops do
when they retire, Dennis?
They play golf,
I don't want to play golf,
I hate fucking golf,
I want a house on the golf course,
I want that,
Walter Smith talked to me before he died,
I know about the money,
I don't know shit about money, man, I don't
know shit about what you're talking about,
I'm talking about a transaction,
You want a helicopter,
I want a house on the golf course,
Fifty thousand,
Maybe you can negotiate
with the sheriffs for that,
No, No!
I'll give you half, OK?
That's, like... two million, OK?
Half is good,
All right, Sell it to your crew,
Jennifer and Tommy stay in the house,
The three of you
down here in the courtyard,
I'll trade the helicopter for the cash,
How do I know
the pilot's not gonna shoot me?
Let me worry about the pilot,
You just make sure he gets that bag,
Half an hour,
Heaven... Can... Wait.
I'm the one who did this, I'm
the one who
Заложник Заложник

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- текст Стиляги на английском

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