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Главная / Элина, словно меня и не было

Элина, словно меня и не было

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think S y ou're So obedient!
What are y ou doing?
So the food waS
more appeaIing today, waS it?
Good, So we don't have
to thro w it out, Iik e y eSterday.
IS She pick y?
LittIe miSS y here
doeSn't Iik e pea Soup.
Pea Soup iSn't Such a hit, I gueSS.
I mean, y ou ShouIdn't force kidS...
If the food iS good enough one day,
it'S good enough aII the time.
ParticuIarIy if y ou're poor enough
to need handoutS from the State.
Where are y ou going, EIina?
Don't y ou dare Ieave, y ou hear!
Let'S tak e out our workbook S.
That iS, if any one StiII reSpectS
the word o f their teacher...
FirSt queStion:
What did the king o f BabeI want?
QueStion number two:
Who waS caSt
into the b Iazing furnace?
You've received
y our aSSignment for tomorro w...
- You may go.
- Thank y ou!
EIina, Stay behind and
wipe do wn the b Iackboard.
- Irma, where iS EIina?
- She'S heIping our teacher.
I waS deIighted to See that y ou
appIied y ourSeIf to y our workbook.
That y ou wrote do wn the anS werS...
I SenSe that y ou intend
to apoIogize for y our behavior.
AII y ou need to Say iS ''I'm Sorry''
and we can forget about thiS.
We can mak e a freSh Start.
AII right... Then go!
I had no idea that y ou were
So rude and ungrate fuI.
You're juSt Iik e y our father.
And we aII kno w ho w he ended up...
Bew are of the e dge,
don't s te p as ide
Why s ho uId I s ay I'm s orry?
I hav en't done any thing w rong.
If y o u hav en't done any thing w rong,
w hy apoIo gize?
Tora HoIm
s ho uId s ay s he's s orry.
Did y o u he ar that, Daddy?
That I'm Iike y o u - jus t Iike y o u?
Look out chiIdren!
You're too cIoSe.
EIina, iS it Sa fe to croSS here?
Yo u hav e to heIp the c aIf, Daddy!
HeIp that c aIf!
PIe as e!
Thank y ou EIina.
No w, that'S enough.
It waS Daddy who heIped the caIf.
- What waS that?
- Daddy Saved the caIf.
Daddy'S dead,
he'S in the grave y ard!
Are y ou finiShed drawing?
EIina'S done.
No w iSn't that nice?
Come up here and Sho w it to me.
Wait a minute...
What'S thiS?
It waS Daddy who heIped the caIf...
What waS that?
I'm Sure y ou can Say it in SwediSh.
WeII, EIina?
Irma, couId y ou teII me
what y our SiSter Said?
She Said that Daddy Saved the caIf.
ReaIIy? So EIina'S father, ISak -
- puIIed the caIf out o f the S wamp?
Weren't we SiIIy to think
that Veikk o Niemi did it?
Why are y ou Sitting here
inStead o f Iining up for Iunch?
Go on in... PIeaSe?
EIina... Let'S taIk.
I heard y ou gave Anton y our Soup.
That waS very conSiderate o f y ou.
And I bet y our teacher
actuaIIy think S So too, don't y ou?
She might not kno w
that y ou're out here.
I think
the two o f uS ShouId go inSide.
I think y our teacher wouId
be very pIeaSed. Come on.
- You won't regret it.
- Oh, my...
So no w the entire teaching Sta f f
haS to joIIy EIina into eating.
- She'S on her way in no w.
- So I See.
- WaS that reaIIy neceSSary?
- What do y ou mean?
- Pro voking the girI Iik e that.
- Pro voking?
Have I pro vok ed any one? I'm try ing
to teach theSe kidS Some mannerS.
I teach them
to Speak and write in SwediSh.
I teach the ruIeS the y need
to become memberS o f the Society.
Without the right SkiIIS,
y ou get no where.
You remain trapped in po verty.
It'S a thankIeSS taSk try ing
to teach theSe IittIe FinnS...
But it haS to be done.
You do reaIize that, don't y ou?
Are y ou coming?
See what I mean?
I don't c are w hat the others s ay...
I know y o u s av e d the c aIf.
I s pe ak my mind, bec aus e
that's w hat y o u tau ght me to do.
I w ant to be jus t Iike y o u, Daddy.
I'm gIad I c an s pend time w ith y o u,
and I know y o u en jo y it too.
It's aImo s t w inter,
and there'II be s now...
And I w on't be abIe
to c ome here for a w hiIe.
Are y ou crazy?
Daddy'S not here, he'S dead.
You're not aIIo wed to be here.
Mom'S going to cry when I teII her.
Irma, wait!
Wait, Irma...
- Don't teII Mom. PromiSe?
- Let go! That hurtS.
If y
Элина, словно меня и не было Элина, словно меня и не было

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- текст Идущий в огне на английском
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- текст Трон на английском
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