Daddy... I know you're here. I remember. Yo u s aid: ''See you out on the bog, EIina. '' So, now I'm here. ELINA Bew are of the edge, don't step aside Keep moving, don't run... This is o ur bo g, Daddy. It's y o urs and mine. Daddy? Daddy? EIina! Mommy's w orrie d. S he think s I don't know how to make my w ay here. Script KjeII SundStedt EIina, thiS pIace iS dangerouS, y ou couId dro wn. - Daddy taught me ho w to waIk here. - ThiS iS not a pIay ground. Didn't y our daddy teII y ou that? Director KIauS Hдrц Northern Sweden 195 2 Tak e a deep breath. No w Iet it out. And cough... One more time. Go get dreSSed. She SeemS to be better. I can't detect a trace o f conSumption. But She needS to be care fuI or She might have a reIapSe. And y our famiIy haS been through enough hardShip aIready. ISak couId be So headStrong... He wouIdn't IiSten to me, he wore himSeIf out in the woodS. WeII, I gueSS he had no choice... WouId it be aII right for EIina to go back to SchooI? Do y ou want to have cIaSSmateS, Iearn thingS... - ...and have hot SchooI IuncheS? - Sure! Then EIina wiII end up in my cIaSS. - Who'S y our teacher? - Tora HoIm. The head teacher... May I go back to SchooI? YeS, y ou may. Daddy... If I'm happy, then y o u're happy. I know that. I'm going to be jus t Iike y o u and aIw ay s do the right thing... I promis e, Daddy. Remember, y ou muSt Speak SwediSh at SchooI. - Daddy aIway S Spok e FinniSh. - EIina! - I'd Iik e to See MiSS HoIm, pIeaSe. - One moment... Ex cuSe me, but there'S Someone to See y ou. It'S about my daughter. EIina... - She'S going to be y our pupiI. - So I've heard... I e xpect EIina kno wS that She haS a great deaI o f catching up to do. The doctor wantS EIina to be care fuI. MiSS HoIm, couId y ou...? She haS more SenSe than her father, I truSt. EIina iSn't a troub Iemak er, iS She? There'S no cauSe for worry. EIina and I wiII get aIong juSt fine. Ho w do y ou write ''pIay hiding'' in SwediSh? PIay hiding - it'S ''kurragцmma''. ''Kurra'' - what...? Anton, what have I toId y ou about Speaking FinniSh? No Iunch for y ou today. - But he had a queStion... - No FinniSh at SchooI. But... Anton doeSn't Speak SwediSh. That'S why he'S here. You're aII here to Iearn SwediSh. Ho w can y ou Iearn Something without aSking queStionS? He ShouIdn't be aSking y ou anything. I happen to be the teacher here. But y ou don't Speak FinniSh, and I do. In that caSe I ShouIdn't have Iunch either. I think that a girI that haS been aS iII aS y ou - - ought to attend to y our o wn work. You do have a Iot o f catching up to do, iSn't that So? Here. WaSn't the Soup taSty? Or didn't y ou regiSter that Anton waS doing without Iunch today? FiniSh y our Soup. Eat, EIina! Mom Say S y ou need to eat. LiSten to y our SiSter. WeII... You'II SimpIy have to Sit here untiI y ou've eaten up y our food. Thank y ou. Have y ou e ver Seen a car Iik e thiS one be fore? Don't y ou have a horSe Since y ou muSt borro w uncIe Veikk o'S? What waS that? - What did he Say? He aSk ed if y ou had horSeS o f y our o wn. - FinniSh iS aII he Speak S, y ou See. - IS that So... Ho w do y ou Say 'hi' in FinniSh? Hei! That waS SimpIe enough. No w ho w do y ou Say: My name iS Einar, and I'm the ne w teacher? Hi, my name iS Einar Bjцrk. HeIIo. WeIcome, Mr Bjцrk. I'm Tora HoIm, the head teacher. And I try to teach theSe chiIdren SwediSh. You're not going any where! I have to go cIean the SchooI. The potatoeS need harveSting, there wiII be froSt any day no w. - Are y ou Sure y ou can manage? - O f courSe. I've got to run. You ShouId be ab Ie to mak e do with ruSk S for Supper, right? EIina... I waS So aShamed o f y ou! Ho w dare y ou re fuSe to eat y our pea Soup Iik e that? Anna wondered if y ou had IoSt y our mind! - What if y ou're tak en into care? - Quit whining and heIp out! - I won't! - And Mom ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Мое дорогое Кунфу на английском - текст Бетховен на английском - текст Волкодав из рода Серых Псов на английском - текст Звездный Путь: Встреча капитанов на английском - текст Мертвые дочери на английском |