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Главная / Элина, словно меня и не было

Элина, словно меня и не было

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ou teII on me, I'II teII about
the magazineS under y our mattreSS.
I promiSe.
CroSS my heart and hope to die.
What if the authoritieS put y ou
in a home for juveniIe deIinquentS?
The y put out candy
to See if it getS StoIen...
Are y ou out in the woodS aII aIone?
WouId y ou Iik e
to heIp me pick muShroomS?
The y aII Iook aIik e to me.
Maybe y ou couId heIp
me find Some edib Ie oneS.
And we couId taIk about thiS troub Ie
between y ou and y our teacher...
I don't want to meddIe...
...but y ou couId
contact the IocaI authoritieS.
Mom wouIdn't Iik e that.
I've got to go.
My name iS Einar Bjцrk
and I'm the ne w teacher.
You have a nice pIace here.
I've ne ver been
in a barn Iik e thiS be fore.
- That'S a femaIe, right?
- It'S a co w.
- Ho w many chiIdren do y ou have?
- Three. - No w get out.
The y're cute. PeopIe Say
that EIina reSemb IeS her father.
I hope not.
- CouId I give y ou a hand?
- No, thank y ou.
What bringS y ou here?
I want to taIk about EIina.
Tora HoIm...
She haS a great
deaI o f e xperience, but...
I'd better be going. Goodb y e.
B y the way, maybe EIina
ShouId bring a Sandwich to SchooI.
- Where have y ou been?
- OutdoorS.
Don't y ou have anything to teII me?
Ho w are thingS going at SchooI?
Good. Why?
What happened to y our ShoeS?
The y're Soak ed and worn...
Where have y ou been?
Have y ou been to the bog, EIina?
- Were y ou there aII b y y ourSeIf?
- No...
Ho w wiII we be ab Ie
to a f ford ne w ShoeS?
Ho w couId y ou be So careIeSS?
I'm going to have
a word with y our teacher.
-LaSt y ear Irma got a pair o f ShoeS.
-USed oneS.
Tora HoIm iS kind. You need
to k eep in her good graceS.
Go get uS a crate.
- God'S peace, Marta.
- God'S peace, Sara.
I hear that y our daughter
iS aS courageouS aS her father.
Tak e good care o f her.
God'S peace, Marta.
Ex cuSe me, MiSS HoIm.
LaSt y ear my y oungeSt daughter
received winter ShoeS.
PerhapS we couId diScuSS thiS
Some other time, MrS Jatk o.
When I have more time.
We have a great deaI to diScuSS.
ISn't that So, EIina?
Do y ou kno w what MiSS HoIm
wantS to diScuSS with me?
Are y ou Iy ing to me, EIina?
You muStn't Iie.
HeIIo, ho w about a Iift?
- Thank y ou, but our crate...
- No prob Iem.
Oh no, I need a hand...
Hop into the car, EIina.
- No, EIina...
- It'S aII right.
Step on the pedaI to the right
when I teII y ou to.
Don't touch any Ie verS, though.
EIina and I'II have it
up and running in no time.
No w, EIina.
PuSh do wn harder.
- Harder.
- PuSh harder, EIina.
YeS! Good! That'S good!
Step on the brak eS!
Hit the brak eS!
- Hit the brak eS!
- Ho w?
Step... on the pedaI in the middIe.
My dear IittIe EIina...
What kind o f a man wouId
put a girI in danger Iik e that?!
That'S what happenS
when aduItS don't tak e charge.
But maybe that'S fine with y ou?
That chiIdren are in charge?
But I can aSSure y ou that the peopIe
o f thiS to wn don't agree with y ou!
We'II arrange for Some ShoeS,
I'II tak e care o f the matter.
Thank y ou...
Thank y ou very much.
And no w for EIina...
Are y ou aII right?
What'S wrong?
You aSk me that?
MiSS HoIm toId me the whoIe Story.
About y our re fuSing to eat.
The entire viIIage kno wS about it.
Every one kne w but me.
I ne ver thought
y ou couId be So ungrate fuI.
You're juSt Iik e y our father...
Do y ou kno w what thiS iS?
A SchooI ScheduIe?
It'S a Iife work, that'S what it iS.
It S ymboIizeS our duty:
To bring order into thiS wiIderneSS.
MiSS HoIm, my daughter
wouId Iik e to apoIogize.
No w iSn't that nice... That'S good.
You may Ieave uS, MrS Jatk o.
We'II SettIe thiS matter ourSeIveS.
- Don't worry.
- Thank y ou.
She'S certainIy not apoIogizing...
I can't be heId reSponSib Ie
for her re fuSaI to eat.
The chiId'S been iII with
conSumption, for goodneSS Sak e!
She tak eS no heed o f me, and She
doeSn't intend to obe y her mother.
PIeaSe taIk Some SenSe
Элина, словно меня и не было Элина, словно меня и не было

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- текст Человек-дьявол на английском
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- текст Муми-тролль и комета: Путь домой на английском
- текст Последняя Ночь на английском
- текст Дневной дозор на английском

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