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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Я люблю тебя

Я люблю тебя

1   2   3   4   5  
those special reports.
Usually they make me gluttonous.
But now I'm thinking about us.
- What? Wait a sec...
I'm losing you again.
Sorry, where were we?
- What is his name?
- I don't know.
- Any documents on him? I'm not sure.
- What happened?
- An accident.
- Be more specific?
He fell down... onto his head.
It's a job for the cops.
- How are you?
- Take me home.
- Where do you live?
- I n the zoo.
- What is your address?
- I'll have a doctor come to your place.
- Please, don't do that.
- Are you sure that you are okay?
- I have no address.
Damn. I can't reach them.
Please, don't call the doctor.
Can I sleep here tonight?
Okay, if you have no place
to spend the night.
I'll get you a blanket.
Do you have something to smoke?
- What is this?
- Cuban cigars.
I don't smoke cigars.
- You're trembling.
- Yes... I'm cold.
- Me, too.
We're both cold.
I have to go to sleep.
- I have to get up early.
- I do, too.
We must get enough sleep.
But you don't really want to.
But I should.
You want me to sing a song?
Your door was open.
What's going on here?
- I'll explain everything.
- You don't need to.
- Oh, Jesus.
Hey! It's not what you think!
It's something else.
I hit him today with my car...
...and he got sick and
I was just trying to help him.
I am cold, I am freezing.
Let's go back inside.
But what was that?
Don't know.
Good morning!
Sleep well?
Love... What is love?
Love is Cola!
- I don't want to be a robot!
- That's a strong statement.
I like stylish clothes and footwear.
- Yes, I love beautiful things!
- Who doesn't?
- I like the smell of my perfume.
- Okay. Do you go in for fitness?
Gee, what is this?
I found that in the rubbish heap.
- Let me have a look.
- It's rubbish.
Okay! I'll redo your shit!
A huge storm has swept
through the Orlov region.
Victims are reported...
I can't stand it any more!
He's a fag, okay?
Stay tuned for further developments.
And we're taking
another phone call. Hello?
I'm the strongest and the handsomest.
I like fitness.
I'm happy, I've a nice job.
I'm a totally confident guy.
I earn a lot.
Work more, earn more...
I'm the handsomest.
- Why are you here?
- Came to visit you.
My favorite song!
Towards the sun
in a deer sledge we run.
I nto snowstorm and the dawn
that is where we have gone.
- Give it to me!
- No!
- Is everything O K?
- Yes, fine.
- I heard screaming.
- That was my friend screaming.
He had a bad dream.
He was screaming
something about love.
Yes... he had a bad dream about love.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Where is Timofei?
You asked to see me.
Why is he here?
Yes, I wanted to see you.
I've even taken work home,
so as not to stay
in the office till late.
You've opened a refuge
for the homeless?
What? How can you ever
say such a thing?
I love you very much...
But I can leave if you don't
need me any more...
No, I won't say that.
I have a terrible headache.
I must sleep.
Good night.
Good night.
- You're what... a laborer?
- Yes.
- Why?
- Because. I work at the zoo.
- And you have nowhere to live?
- Nowhere.
May I ask you something?
Go ahead!
You're beautiful and famous.
Why Timofei?
He has such...
beautiful hands...
I wish I could always hold
his hand, kiss him...
Hold his hand?
That's... well... I mean...
No one is saying that it's bad.
Want to smoke?
- Hey, you're on. Talk to us.
- It's my birthday today.
- Why are you so sad then?
- I had someone to love...
- And now I've lost him.
- That happens sometimes.
But it'll pass.
What song shall I play for you?
- I don't know the title...
- It doesn't matter...
So, for Masha here's
a special birthday song!
What is happiness?
Happiness is Cola!
I can't before going on air.
Drink it!
Thanks, it won't help.
- I understand, it's terrible.
- What?
That storm in the Orlov region,
that anti- commercials act,
locusts over the U rals...
Viewers they suck,
and make-up
Я люблю тебя Я люблю тебя

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