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Главная / Война


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OK. Who'll hand over the money?
"OK" isn't good enough -
promise before Allah!
I've got a witness here.
A Muslim believer.
I swear before Allah! When?
In four days time. Over and out.
We'll see how faithful
you are to Allah.
We have to get there
in two days. Got it?
We got there in a day and a half.
Ruslan took us across some goat-tracks
in from the Georgian side
which was totally unguarded.
All we had to do was
make the exchange.
Russian, he won't keep his word.
I heard how he spoke.
All Gugaevs are lying dogs!
Our grandfathers fought,
even made peace.
In the second war they took
60 sheep from us.
"I'm a fighter, you're
a shepherd" he says.
"Your father's brother wanted
to kill my grandfather.
But he got scared, and you're
just the same!" he says.
Why're you telling me all this?
Tomorrow he'll kill the American,
then you, and then he'll kill me.
You won't answer the radio,
so my family will be killed too.
That's right.
So, proud Chechen shepherd,
can you use thing?
Not all Chechens can tend a flock,
but all Chechens can shoot.
You have a chance to save
the honour of your clan.
Russian, tell yours to leave my family
alone. They'll kill you...
I'm your family now, got it?!
Protect me, and you'll save them.
If I see it's all over for us,
then I'll tell them.
Let's go.
In his book and film, John says you were
beating the Chechen shepherd...
...and then you just give him weapons.
So what?
Weren't you afraid he'd
shoot you in the back?
Of course not, I had
his family as hostages.
Salaam, Aslan.
Salaam, Ivan.
You're a mountain man, Ivan.
I live on the plains.
We brought the ransom.
Let's go.
- Where're the keys?
- There.
No! Obey your orders!
You won't get out of here!
Then you won't get the money.
Tie his hands!
What about your oath, Aslan?
Go to the machinegun.
Tell your people already.
It's still too early!
Morning, Comrade Captain!
Hello, Sergeant. Give us a smoke.
We'd landed ourselves right in it.
We couldn't use Aslan for cover.
No way back through the pass
with the Captain.
We could go down through the village,
but there were a lot of beards down there.
The Captain said it: climbing a tree
is easy, getting back down's the hard part.
He's a great guy. He thought
of using the river.
They weren't expecting that.
Comrade Captain, we need air support.
We're finished without it.
We're too far off to use the radio.
Let's try the satellite phone.
You're well-stocked, Sergeant!
How does it work?
Simple - we need to catch a satellite.
I'll tune it in.
Hello! Give me HQ chief,
Colonel Malykhin!
Captain Medvedev! Move it!
Great line!
If only we had these...
It's Captain Medvedev. Hi, Kolya.
Listen, we're surrounded -
send some air support!
There's five of us, two English.
The Shatoi region, south of Itum-Kali,
coordinate 34.
There's an abandoned village with
a big old tower! We're in the tower.
Yes, they're firing at us!
I think we can hold out for an hour.
There's nowhere to land.
Alright then.
So? Are they coming?
Lads, give us a cigarette.
- Long to go?
- Seven months.
- Just back from Chechnya?
- From Grozny.
Here. It's a bonus from NATO
for the fight against
international terrorism.
It's English money - almost
two thousand dollars.
You know the rest.
John made a film and
became famous.
I'm being prosecuted for killing citizens
of the Russian Federation -
I was a civilian, after all.
John put it all in the film,
about the woman in the jeep
and the old man with his kid at Aslan's.
How did he shoot it all?
He wrote a book as well -
"My Life in Russia".
He didn't come to the court case,
of course. Gave evidence over there.
But the brave shepherd Shamaev
turned up, detailing how I tortured him
how I cynically slaughtered
Chechen women and children.
He lives in Moscow now.
His son's at university there.
Margaret never did marry John.
I gave the Captain all the money -
I knew
Война Война

Читайте также:
- текст Чёрный квадрат на английском
- текст Братья и сёстры семьи Тода на английском
- текст Челюсти на английском
- текст Дневник камикадзе на английском
- текст Книга мастеров на английском

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