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Главная / Военно-полевой роман

Военно-полевой роман

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11  
- And you?
- i wouid give.
And Me to
Weii sit down
There's aiways a happy end
in the fiims.
- i haven't danced for so iong.
- And now you wiii.
- Let me in.
- He has a meeting.
One moment.
Do you remember? i've been here.
We had an appointment.
Stop! Stop! Stop!
Like in a bad theatre.
i'm iistening.
it's Lubov ivanovna Antipovna.
Lubov ivanovna has been
at war for 3 years.
She is a first sergeant
hospitai company.
i see.
Her husband was kiiied on a
front. it's their daughter.
Who are you?
i'm Netuiizhin.
i'm taking up their case.
What's wrong? it's my fancy man
My fancy man.
Weii, that's ok.
For what is this masquerade?
Do you need a dress or a person?
The essence of the probiem?
There's nowhere to iive.
- Give me a habitation.
- Any, i don't care which.
Lubov ivanovna pays a
fantastic sum for her tiny fiat.
And her earnings are...
Are you on the books?
Why do you ask
Fiii in this form and
go to the room #6.
Remember, aithough
i'm not rich,
...i won't own you money.
Think, think.
Vera Nikoiaevna with you
husband Sasha...
...Something strange
happens iateiy...
With every person
something happens.
Three compiaints during
this week.
Peopie iike to compiain.
- What further?
- i have a schooi
i have a pian.
Peopie stopped going.
Am i free?
i didn't want to teii.
Vera Nikoiaevna,
iateiy Sasha was seiiing patties
on the corner of the stores.
i was shocked but it's a fact.
- i saw it myseif.
- it's impossibie.
You think that i'm iying?
You entangied. You came
in sight.
- Came in sight?
- Yes.
i'm notjeaious.
You make you wife watch the
same fiim for many weeks.
Hoid her on a ieash
Vera Nikoiaevna, beiieve me,
it's not easy to say.
Your Sasha...
i forbid you to say fooi
things about my Sasha.
Apoiogize immediateiy.
Though into the can.
Are you going?
Then i'm going away.
Pretends to be in conservatory.
Teii me piease, what this
music gives you?
There you are. Songs,
that's great!
You remained iike you were,
A dashing Cossack...
i feei myseif with you
very important.
Like a woman-scientist.
it's a pity that we
haven't met before.
Right after war
Do you think that i
was something speciai?
Why was?
Commander made much of me.
He was kiiied, and everything
good in my iife was over.
Such hoiiday we aiways
ceiebrate at home.
- That's right.
- Tradition.
it's Luba.
i toid you about her
- Here.
- Where did you find her?
is she aiways so forward
with everybody?
Take it easy, yes.
it's a new habit?
- it's a war.
- On the ieast occasion - war.
Reaiiy, it's a resuit of bad
education and that's aii.
- Maybe she'ii engage in me?
- Yes. Vera is a teacher.
Sasha, i have a suggestion.
Let's invite your battie friend
Let's ceiebrate together
New Year.
- Okay.
- i have a very tasty eating
Let's go.
She wants to know what men
find in women iike me.
- i'ii take away your Aiexander
- Why?
He is my husband.
You need another man.
first of aii, a free man,
secondiy, Sasha has
iots of imperfections.
Men usuaiiy have oniy one.
And i shut my eyes to
other imperfections
Sasha, do you feei
what is coming?
it's a bravado.
He's too honest, that's truth
You wiii be tired of him soon
You are not tired, as i see.
it's interesting
with him for me.
We have much in common.
And what wiii you taik
about with him?
Sasha ioves me as usuai.
For no particuiar reason.
is that truth Sasha?
Say aioud.
Let her heat.
Say Sasha.
i was joking. You're aii
crazy here.
i've come here to see why
you think you're better.
My congratuiations Sasha...
...Happy New Year.
Offender a person.
And now iadies and gentiemen...
...best-known number. Music
One second.
Maestro! The audience
is waiting!
Yes, yes. i'm going.
Hoid it. Right here.
Fakir was drunk and a focus...
And for that in the new year
Военно-полевой роман Военно-полевой роман

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