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didn't like
people very much.
You seem friendly enough to me.
l never met a man l couldn't corrupt,
but you might be an exception.
-Now, how about--
-Damn it, Daddy, don't start.
Killian's staying at the White House
with me and the President.
Now why all this sudden affection?
Didn't Killian expect....
You called and talked to
your father about all this?
Why the hell don't you go on the TV?
Easy, Killian.
l'm the only one she could trust.
Any idea who is responsible for all this?
Without a doubt.
Chief of Staff, Hector Bunsen.
My big problem is proving it.
Why would Hector...
want to destroy my daughter?
Well, he knows the President is impotent.
And he knows that your daughter might
divorce him in a year or two.
And as a divorced man,
he wouldn't stand a chance for reelection.
But as a widower, he'd be a shoo-in...
and Bunsen would continue as
the man behind the throne.
Yeah. My son-in-law is nobody's stooge.
We have some visitors.
That's part of my team.
lt's good to see you, Killy.
Same here.
Come on over and meet Mr. Royce.
What's new on Bunsen?
He's still in Washington
under Fitz's hawk eye.
Did Fitz take out a warrant?
That won't help.
This is agents Chang and Loudermilk.
-How do you do?
-Meet Mr. Royce.
-How do you do? Sit down.
Why won't getting a warrant work?
You're dealing with a very powerful satrap.
And even if you had
all the proof in the world...
he'll take it to the highest court
and embarrass this administration...
into total obscurity.
What would you do?
l might take him to
the dirty tricks department of the CIA.
They give great heart attacks.
Charlie, get Mr. Royce in the house.
Cover me.
Looks like Bunsen hired the right man.
You're damn right he did.
Senator Bunsen, Joshua Paul, FBl.
Would you come with me, please?
Good morning, Senator.
You son of a bitch!
Gentlemen, ladies...
as you've known for some time...
Chief of Staff, Senator Bunsen,
has been in failing health.
lt saddens me to relate that yesterday
he died in his sleep.
The President wants me to tell you how
grieved he is at the loss of the Senator...
and how much we
shall miss his statesmanship...
here in the White House,
as well as up on the Hill.
-ls the rumor true?
-Which rumors?
You're assigned to guard the President
now that you're fit again.
-lt's the other rumor that's true.
-l don't understand.
The rumor that l'm going to
resign from the Service. That's true.
-Oh, no.
l'm going to miss you.
lt won't be for long. l'll be out there,
in Nevada working for your father.
My father?
-He hired you away from the White House?
-That he did.
That low-down, conniving, wicked--
See you in Tahoe...
_u reyoнr, Killy.
Don't call me ''ma'am.''
Now, you're sure you never had
a roll with that tootsie?
No, Charlie. No tootsie rolls.
And there'll be no googly eyes
after we're married?
Nobody said anything about marriage.Killian!
- Hi, Dave.
- Welcome back!
Glad to be back.
Six weeks. You took your goddamn time.
I have been having a lot of fun.
- Goosing nurses?
- Not the kind I had.
Thanks for coming back
for Inauguration Day.
But you're not getting
the President to protect. Not quite yet.
You look a little shaky to me.
I feel okay, really.
You're getting One Momma.
- The First Lady?
- Don't hold it against me.
One of the hairy-chested Hollywood types...
tries to keep wearing a lock strap.
I've been reading and hearing about her.
Let's say that you're going
to miss the hell out of Nancy Reagan.
In any case, it's nice to be back.
- Killian, hey, good.
- Killian, it's nice to see you.
- How's it going?
- Very good, real good.
- I'm feeling good.
- Good to have you back, Killy.
- Thanks.
- Killy.
Hey, Charlie.
Hey, Killy.
Looks good.
- You know our duty.
- One Momma.
I hear she takes no prisoners.
I used to hang out with
a dame like that once.
She was a real equal-rights nut,
but it got
Убийство Убийство

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- текст Отец Сергий на английском
- текст Кодекс молчания на английском
- текст Мутанты Икс - Сезон 1 на английском
- текст Мятеж на Баунти на английском
- текст Вор на английском

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