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Wait a second. Why don't you pull
alongside now, and we'll all go with you.
The hell we will. Never mind, Captain!
For Pete's sake, Killian,
l've been climbing on and off that boat...
for the past 10 years
without so much as a hangnail.
You're not going aboard that boat
until it's been inspected.
l'd take care, mister, she knows karate.
Pull on up.
-That's good.
-ls that all right?
-Put it on forward.
-Got it.
There you go.
Ma'am, are you planning to go to sea
on that boat?
That's what one generally does with boats.
One goes to sea in them.
-l wish you had told me earlier.
l have to call in a team from the local branch
of the service to go over it very carefully.
That'll take hours.
Maybe days.
Damn you, Killian, you have no right.
Yes, l do, ma'am.
But Calvin gave me permission.
He said it was okay.
The President gave you permission?
He knows better than that.
Come on, Killian, have a heart.
This is Dad's place, l used to live here.
l practically grew up on that boat.
She's perfectly safe.
-Are you all right, Mrs. Craig?
-l think so.
l'm okay. Will you look at that?
How's that for the luck of the Irish?
Briggs, get on over there
and see if anybody's alive.
-Tyler, call Fitzroy, tell him what happened.
Poor Cappy, l've got to go see
if there's something l can do.
l'm sure your friend, the captain, is dead.
We're in luck. Fitzroy says
the Vice President's in Los Angeles.
We have _нr force Two for the turnaround.
Rendezvous John Wayne Airport, one hour.
-You and Briggs stay here.
-You'll have to go without me.
-Can't do that.
-The President's ordered us home.
-Especially you.
-The hell with that.
lt's my belief
that somebody just tried to kill you.
That's ridiculous. You're overreacting.
What happened down there
was a tragic accident.
lt's not the first time a boat's blown up
while taking on fuel.
A gasoline-powered boat, yes,
but your boat was a diesel...
and they don't explode without some help.
They're sending you in a helicopter
back to Washington.
Lee Barstow and his team
are going with you.
She's called the President from the plane.
He's not too happy.
-l don't give a damn.
-l'm not too fond of her myself.
l have a great idea.
-l'll bet you do.
-Your place or mine?
Your place.
That's wonderful. What happened to you?
You iust outlasted me.
-You enjoyed last night?
-l never slept better in my life.
Did l miss something?
Sailor, you didn't miss nothing.
Charlie, get some clothes on.
That's not what you said last night.
Why don't you move in here permanently?
l don't want to die from a terminal orgasm.
Hello. Hi, Tyler.
Yes, he's here. Finally.
-Where are you?
-l just got нn from the coast.
-Dнd you fнnd out anythнng?
-You bet.
The first thing l did was
hire a diver to check the boat.
lt was in 10 feet of water,
so he had to go to the engine room.
There was one explosнon, came from
the keel, up, C-4 plastнc, not lнmpet.
l called Dr. Hoxley
at the Orange County Coroner's office.
He said that Captain Ogilvy and the cook
were killed by shrapnel and debris.
There was no water нn theнr lungs.
Okay, better get some sleep.
Right. One other thing,
Sandy Ott identified the barnacle man.
Who нs he?
His name was Pritchard Young.
No one seems to know
anything about him around here.
-l'll be talkнng to you later.
The yacht was definitely
blown up premeditatedly.
Then there's no doubt
someone is trying to kill One Momma.
Do you think
this is Reno Bracken's own idea?
No, not a chance.
This is big.
The highest, l'm afraid.
Thanks for a really nice night.
l think you deserve two in a row, don't you?
-And l'll get even better after the wedding.
-Nobody mentioned marriage.
This is the number-two man to Bracken,
Pritchard Young.
Senator Bunsen of Hawaнн wants to see you
нn hнs offнce as of rнght now.
That was Fitzroy.
Убийство Убийство

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- текст Заложник на английском
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- текст Это случилось однажды ночью на английском
- текст Гостья из будущего на английском
- текст День выборов на английском

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