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Главная / Убийство


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Opening doors for me,
lighting my cigarette, patting me on the ass.
Well, this is the way it will go.
Briggs, you and Weems ride the point car.
Tyler, you and Zipper ride the chase car...
Charlie, you ride with me
in One Momma's limo.
Here we are at the steps of the White House.
It's a crisp 22 degrees. The President elect
has just entered his limousine.
So, it's a cold day in Washington,
but the people say the new president's hot.
Stay tuned for later details
and the president's wife.
She's coming down.
- Let's go.
- I guess we better get into action.
- Good morning, Mrs. Craig.
- Who are you?
- My name is Killian, ma'am.
- Don't call me ''ma'am.''
I haven't seen you before, have l?
- No, ma'am
- I just told you not to call me ''ma'am.''
- I've been on sick leave.
- I see.
I'm replacing Lee Barstow as
Chief of Security. This is Miss Chang.
And I must impress upon you, Mrs. Craig...
how important it is
that you do everything I say.
It's very important, Mr. Killian,
that you do everything I say.
Today is the first day of
a new administration, and l, for one...
am not going to be coerced
by your chauvinistic rules.
Do you understand?
I'm afraid not.
- What the hell is this?
- First Lady.
- No way.
- Tell her.
Miss Sims, you're in the chase car.
Mrs. Craig, we can't use this car.
Of course we can.
We haven't used an open car
since 1963, Mrs. Craig...
when President Kennedy was assassinated.
Don't be an ass, that was different.
I'm not a president, I'm a first lady,
and in the whole history of our country...
there has never been an attempt
on a first lady.
In 1815, the British laid some
grapeshot on Dolly Madison's buns.
Yes, dear, that was war.
And, as you know, war is hell.
Now, either get in...
or get lost.
Now, there's a mugging if I ever saw one.
Mrs. Craig, it's not safe to sit up that high.
You mind sitting back down in the seat?
You're a real wart, Killian.
If you don't get down,
I'll have to pull you down.
Killian, these are Italian shoes.
They qualify as a lethal weapon.
You lay one finger on me, and you'll
get one in the southern hemisphere.
That wouldn't work with me, boss.
Want me to take her?
Oh, my God, my eye.
What happened to the cop?
In the crowd, he may have been hurt.
Oh, God, my eye.
We'll get you to a hospital.
Like hell.
I'm not missing Cal's inauguration
if this eye turns red, white and blue.
Well, you're a cinch for one of those colors.
Can somebody lend me
a pair of sun shades?
Anyone but you.
As for you, Killian, out.
You can walk the rest of the way.
I'll take care of myself. It'll be much safer.
''I solemnly affirm that
I will faithfully execute...
''the office of President
of the United States.''
I solemnly affirm that
I will faithfully execute the office...
of President of the United States.
''And will, to the best of my ability,
preserve, protect and defend...
''the Constitution of the United States...
''so help me God.''
And will, to the best of my ability,
preserve, protect and defend...
the Constitution of the United States...
so help me God.
Congratulations, Mr. President.
I'm so tired that my hair aches
and my teeth itch.
Charlie, get me the file
on a man named Reno Bracken.
Aren't you overplaying it a bit?
Came in to congratulate you,
for being on your toes.
- Accidents do happen.
- If it was one.
- Meaning?
- I don't believe it was an accident.
Did that cop report in to his headquarters?
Not yet, but we'll keep checking it.
Killy, are you suggesting it was an attempt?
I only got a brief look,
but I'd swear it was this bastard.
Which bastard?
Reno Bracken.
You look at the network tapes,
keep an eye on the front tire of that bike.
You'll find it wasn't blown normally.
If you are serious, you be careful.
It could have been you he was after.
Will somebody please
Well, it's Reno Bracken,
American terrorist, trained in Libya.
He had a team of 11
Убийство Убийство

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- текст Марафонец на английском
- текст Мэри Поппинс, до свидания! на английском
- текст Зови меня Джинн на английском
- текст Светлячок на английском
- текст Акванавты на английском

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