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start to
rearrange itself to make it happen for you.
Most of us have never allowed ourselves
to want what we truly want
because we can't see
how it's going to manifest.
If you do just a little research,
it is gonna become evident to you
that anyone that ever accomplished anything
did not know how they were gonna do it,
they only knew they were gonna do it.
You do not need to know how
it's gonna come about.
You do not need to know how
the Universe will rearrange itself.
You don't know how.
It'll be shown to you
you will attract the way.
So, then our friend say,
something must be going terribly wrong.
Because, I know I am asking
so where is my stuff.
And we say, you are asking,
you are completing step one,
you can't help but do that.
The Universe is answering,
every time. No exception.
But there is another step
that you must understand,
and it is called step three,
which is the receiving step
which means, you must bring yourself
into alignment with what you're asking for.
When you're in alignment with
what you want, you feel wonderful.
That's where  the enthusiasm is,
that's where joy is,
that's where the appreciation is,
that's where that feeling of passion is.
But when you are feeling despair,
or fear, or anger,
those are strong indications that you
are not right now in alignment
with what you're asking for.
And so, when you begin to realize
that the way you feel is everything,
and you begin to direct your thoughts
based upon how they feel,
little by little you can find
the feeling place of it,
and now you are one with it,
and now it must manifest
into your experience.
And when you turn that
fantasy into a fact
you're in the position build
bigger and better fantasies
and that, my friend
is the creative process.
So, the Law of Attraction, the study
and practice of the Law of Attraction
is this figuring out what will help you
generate the feelings of having it now.
Go test-drive that car.
Go shop for that home, get in the house,
do whatever you have to do
to generate the feelings of having it now
and remember them.
Whatever you can do to do that
will help you to literally attract it.
It could be, you wake up and it's
just there, it's manifested.
Or you might get some inspired idea
of some action to take.
You certainly shouldn't be going,
"well, I could do it this way but man I hate that"
'cause you're not on the right track
if that's the case.
Action will sometimes be required,
but if you're really doing it in line
with what Universe is trying to deliver,
it's gonna feel joyous,
you're gonna feel so alive,
time will just stop,
you could do it all day...
The Universe likes speed.
Don't delay, don't second guess,
don't doubt,
when the opportunity's there,
when the impulse is there,
when the intuitive nudge
from within is there - act.
That's your job.
And that's all you have to do.
You will attract everything
that you require.
If it's money you need,
you'll attract it.
If it's people you need,
you'll attract it.
If it's a certain book you need,
you'll attract it.
You've got to pay attention
to what you're attracted to.
Because, as you hold images
of what you want
you're gonna be attracted to things,
they're gonna be attracted to you.
But it literally moves into
physical reality with and through you.
And it does that by law.
You can start with nothing.
And out of nothing,
and out of no way
the way will be made.
Think of this:
a car driving through the night,
the headlights only go
100-200 ft forward,
and you can make it all the way
from California to New York
driving through the dark, 'cause all
you have to see is the next 200 ft.
That's how life tends to unfold before us.
If we just trust that the next 200 ft
will unfold after that,
the next 200 ft will unfold after that...
your life will keep unfolding,
and it will eventually get you
to the destination
whatever it is you truly want,
because you want.
Тайна Тайна

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- текст Северная сторона на английском
- текст Старая, старая сказка на английском
- текст Банкет на английском
- текст Зейрам 2 на английском
- текст Злодей на английском

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