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Судьба человека

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We'II Iive as one famiIy.
I couId watch the kids...
I couId set up a carpenter shop...
AnatoIy is a mathematician!
I wonder how he ever deveIoped
such a remarkabIe taIent.
It's reaIIy strange.
To arms!
SokoIov, the commander wants you.
Private SokoIov
reporting as ordered...
Some news for you.
I'm afraid it's bad news.
Your son, Captain SokoIov...
Far from home,
in that foreign soiI,
I buried my Iastjoy, my Iast hope.
Something seemed to snap inside me.
Where was I to go now?
Back to Voronezh? No, never!
Hey, Vanyushka! How's the worId
treating you today?
How did you know
my name was Vanya?
I'm a wise man. I know a Iot.
Hop in the truck.
I'II give you a ride to the eIevator.
And then we'II come back and
have a snack.
- Where's your father?
- He died at the front.
And your mommy?
Mommy was kiIIed when they
bombed the train we were on.
- Where are you from?
- I don't know.
- Do you have any reIatives here?
- No one.
- Where do you sIeep at night?
- Different pIaces.
Do you know who I am?
- Who?
- I'm your daddy.
Daddy! I knew it!
I just knew you'd find me some day!
I waited for so Iong
for you to find me!
Oh, I Iove you, daddy!
WeII, my dear hosts,
I found my Vanyushka at Iast!
- Oh, my good heavens...
- Yes, I found my IittIe son.
What do you think of your new
He found his son.
Auntie, why are you crying?
My dad just found me.
Everyone ought to feeI gIad,
so why wouId you want to cry?
Dad, what did you do with your
Ieather coat?
I Ieft it in Voronezh.
But why were you so Iong
Iooking for me?
WeII, sonny, I was Iooking for you
in Germany, in PoIand,
aII over ByeIorussia,
and then I found you in Uryupinsk.
Which is cIoser, Uryupinsk or
Uryupinsk is much cIoser.
Go to sIeep, dear.
Is everything you toId me, the truth?
We'II get aIong aII right.
There's onIy one thing wrong.
I'm afraid my oId ticker is going
to give out.
Sometimes I feeI a stab of pain
and everything begins to Iook
kind of dim and fuzzy.
I'm reaIIy worried
that I might die in my sIeep,
and that wouId frighten my IittIe son.
Dad, Iet's go now.
- Am I going to be as big as you?
- Of course, you wiII.
- In how Iong?
- How wouId you Iike it right now?
- WeII?
- This way doesn't count.
WeII, it's the onIy way
for the time being.
- WeII, goodbye, friend.
- The best of Iuck to you.
Keep strong, IittIe feIIow.
""...And I do hope
that this Russian,
this man of unbreakabIe wiII,
wiII stick it out.
And that the boy wiII grow up
at his father's side
into a man who couId stand up
to anything
if he shouId ever be caIIed upon
by his motherIand to do so.''
M. ShoIokhov
The End
Судьба человека

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