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On Neil McCauley.
How much time we got?
Eight, ten hours for him to set up
a new out. After that, he's gone, bye-bye.
You ratted McCauley to us!
How'd you know?
Who told you?
Who told you, rat motherfucker?
Waingro, where is he?
How would l know?
...what do we have here?
This pretty?
This pretty?
You piece of shit.
Told me you wanted out from under.
You're scared, right?
You want out? This is out.
- Yeah, what's your end?
- l don't need no stupid broad.
How'd l get into this?
You heard me. She had a rough ride.
Fix her a drink.
Look in the cabinet above the sink.
Fuck her.
You better get in there and stay in there.
Lookie here.
My name is Sgt. Drucker, LAPD Homicide.
You want to put Dominick in the bedroom?
He stays with me.
So, what now?
He's right.
You want out? This is out.
You believe you have to betray Chris?
No shit.
That's right. You would have to.
See, if you don't betray Chris,
you victimize Dominick.
'Cause he'll be an orphan
when you go to prison as an accessory...
...'cause you got no parents to take him.
So he ends up raised in foster homes...
...juvenile facilities.
Then he steals a car.
Then he winds up in gladiator academies
like Chino and Tracy.
Fucked for life.
You know what happens,
because you've been there.
Dominick didn't get a chance yet
to choose his life. But Chris did.
lf you give up Chris, you get off clean.
You can do it...
...for your kid, so you can raise him.
What else are you selling?
All kinds of shit.
But l don't have to sell this, you know it.
This kind of shit here sells itself.
Here's an update.
Drucker's on Line 2.
Hold on for a second.
Drucker's on the other line.
Conference him in.
Go ahead.
Vincent, it's me.
One answer. What's it going to be?
We're set here. She'll make the call.
That's good. Here's the deal.
Hugh Benny has reformed
his wayward life...
...and become a born-again good citizen.
Apparently, Neil got sold out to us
by this cowboy named Waingro.
Waingro used to be a part of Neil's crew,
then went to work for a money launderer:
Van Zant.
Units are at Van Zant's house
as we speak...
...because he got shot dead earlier tonight.
lf Neil goes after anybody else,
it's going to be Waingro.
Waingro just got himself a suite
at the Airport Marquis...
...under the name Jamieson.
He's there now. l want you to get that
to bail bondsmen, bookies...
...assignment officers
and snitches in County.
Anyone you can think of who'll put it
on the street. Deploy a team at the hotel...
...and personally check their coms
every 30 minutes.
Because maybe Neil will go for him.
How're you feeling?
Banged up, but l'll live.
He's here.
Neil is still here.
l can feel it.
For how long?
Seven, eight hours, max.
What did you do?
That was you?
l don't sell metal.
Would have been okay, you fly out after.
Now it's jammed.
We gotta go together.
Those other people were with you?
My friend, Michael...
...he knew the risks.
When it rains, you get wet.
Get packed. Let's go.
Why did you do this to me?
lt'll be all right.
Do you understand?
lt's going to be all right.
There's a Camaro at this address,
Level D, Slot 18.
Here's some cash.
When is it over?
Twenty-two hours from now.
- Then we get out of here clean.
- When will you let me leave?
Go now.
You want out? There's the door.
Will you let me leave later?
lt will be different.
Do you even understand?
lt's ready.
This is my friend Ralph.
You didn't tell me you were--
Oh, my God!
Where's Lauren?
She's at Lisa-Beth's.
This has nothing to do with me. l'm sorry.
What for?
Sit down.
Don't you get angry?
l'm angry.
l'm very angry, Ralph.
You can ball my wife if she wants you to.
You can lounge around here on her sofa.
ln her ex-husband's...
...dead-tech, post-modernistic,
bullshit house...
...if you want to.
But you do not get to watch...
...my fucking...
...television set!
For God's sake.
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