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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Садко


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fat purse,
And the rich man of his gold...
About whom does your shameful
tongue say such things?
How dare you sing such songs
before us?
That was only a preamble.
Now for the story!
I saw him at the market-place.
He was stirring up the folk
with his devilish talk.
Quiet, noble merchants of Novgorod!
It's not to quarrel that
I've come to you,
but with a humble offer.
If I offended you, forgive me.
So you came begging?
About time!
What do you want?
Listen to me, O noble merchants.
Time you stopped feasting and
bragging, trading and cheating.
However great may be your riches,
you can't take them with you
to the other world.
Better take your goods
to distant lands,
over the blue seas,
show the world
our rich sables
and delicious honeys.
Earn glory for our dear Novgorod.
He's stark mad!
A beggar trying to teach us!
- Away with him!
- Throw him out!
- Out with him!
- Away with the troublemaker!
Throw him out!
What he psaltery player says is true.
Is it really you speaking,
Vassily Potapovich?
Yes, I am.
But this beggar called us
stay-at-homes and fools.
He's young and unwise.
But he spoke the truth.
What he said is to our interest.
He is too green to boss over here.
I'm my own master.
Is the minstrel right, Granddad?
What's it to you? Just mind your
business, blow your pipe.
- I'll go with him, Granddad.
- Don't you dare!
So you'd like to have our goods?
We've saved some goods for Sadko:
broken dishes and rotten pots.
Wait, old man.
He is right. We're wasting time here,
filling our coffers.
What? You're taking
the beggar's side, you son of a dog?
Going against your father?
Want a beating?
The Evil One speaks through him.
All right, be it your way,
honoured merchants.
I'll get the ships without your aid.
I'll strip you of your wealth!
I'll carpet the streets with your silks!
I'll dress the poor in your brocades!
You're wrong, merchants of Novgorod!
I will get the ships!
- Take me along, Sadko.
- Who are you?
I'm lvashka the minstrel.
I'll be your faithful servant.
You're much too young.
I'll give my life for you!
Take me along, I'll be useful to you.
All right, you'll be
the first to join my troop.
No go.
I must think.
My psaltery melodious,
you're all that I've got left.
Oh, the shady grove of trees,
Step aside, make way for me.
Through the mist of bitter tears
The whole world I cannot see.
Hark you, billowing wave of the lake,
You're coming in a sparkling stream,
Hear of my lamentable fate,
Hear of my most cherished dream...
Won't you
even look at me?
Oh, you wondrous vision!
You marvelous beauty!
- Am I not fair?
- Indeed, you are!
I like you too.
Your mournful song has charmed
my soul.
Why are you so sad,
my darling? Tell me.
If I cannot aid you myself,
I'll beg my father to.
And who is your father, fair maid?
My father is the formidable
King of the Sea.
His beautiful palace stands
in the bottomless depths
where gold-finned fishes
and ocean monsters dwell.
Great is my father's domain.
Come with me, Sadko, to my father's
I mustn't leave the earth yet.
I've promised the people
to get the bird of happiness.
But I don't know how to do it.
I'm too poor to buy ships.
I feel desperate.
Too poor to buy ships?
Come here tomorrow morning.
I'll bring you gold-finned fishes.
They're priceless.
Will you love me then?
Now I must leave you.
The dawn is near.
Goodbye, Sadko.
Come tomorrow!
Gold-finned fishes!
They're priceless!
Ha, ye merchants of Novgorod,
I'll show you!
Leave your work!
All to assembly! Let's go!
What's happened? Why is the tocsin
ringing in the middle of the night?
Why the ringing?
Setting up a new prince
or bidding farewell to the old one?
- Who dared summon the people?
- I did!
That troublemaker again?
- Take him!
- Arrest him!
Don't put me to death, free men,
my brothers, but let me speak!
- Throw him from the bridge!
- Let him speak!
Let him speak.
Садко Садко

Читайте также:
- текст Деловые люди на английском
- текст Малыши из мусорного бачка на английском
- текст Духовные голоса на английском
- текст Альф на английском
- текст Похищение "Савои" на английском

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