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Рука, качающая колыбель

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the window, honey.
Emma ?
Come sit down.
[ Crying ]
But l don't
Why did they take
Solomon away ?
l guess your mommy didn't
like Solomon very much.
l wanted to help Solomon, but l was
afraid she'd try to send me away too.
l hate her.
l bet your mommy
wasn't mean like mine.
l didn't have
a mommy.
She died when
l was very little.
Your mommy died ?
Then who took care
of you ?
l had to take care
of myself.
Peyton, if something
happens to my mommy,
would you
take care of me ?
Of course l would.
And your daddy too.
l'd take care
of all of you.
- Last of the boxes.
- Yeah.
[ Sigh ]
Emma's gonna be okay,
But she's so different
around me lately.
She's not
my little girl.
She's so angry...
and guarded.
l think...
maybe she blames me
because l didn't protect her.
l don't think so,
Marlene wants to get together tonight
to make out a guest list.
l'm not sure this party
is a good idea now.
- What do you think ?
- l think we should go ahead with it.
Everyone could use
some cheering up,
especially Claire. You know how
she's been blaming herself.
Yeah, l think
you're right.
Guess l just
needed to hear it.
[ Cooing ]
[ Marlene ]
Thanks for lunch.
l especially liked the part where
we picked up the fertilizer.
- Oh, you liked that ?
- Oh, yeah.
[ Peyton ]
Hi, you two.
- Hi. Oh, can l take him ?
- Oh, sure.
- Hi, sweetheart. Hello.
- [ Crying ]
- Let me help.
- He's getting so big.
- [ Crying ]
- He's like a different kid
every time l see him.
[ Crying ]
[ Marlene ] He's got a great
set of lungs, doesn't he ?
- Oh, what's the matter ?
- You want mommy ?
You want to go ?
- What happened, ohhh ?
- [ Crying ]
l don't know what got into
him today. Want me to try ?
- Wanna go to Peyton ?
- Ah, it's okay.
Yeah, it's okay,
little one.
[ Chiming ]
What is that
annoying noise ?
Wind chimes. lt was a gift
from Peyton.
Well, l gotta go.
- Bye-bye. Thanks for lunch.
- Okay.
[ Whispering ]
[ Claire ]
Peyton's making one
of her famous souffles.
Why don't you and Marty
stop by for dessert later ?
Sorry, l can't make it.
l'm showing the Fletcher house.
Didn't you sell
the Fletcher house ?
Actually l did, but
the financing fell through.
l have to start all over.
Bye. l'll call you.
That smells great.
You know what they say.
Chocolate's a substitute for sex.
Chocolate's great, but
l don't know about that.
Guess you and Michael keep those
fires burning all the time, huh ?
We certainly have
enjoyed each other.
When we first moved
into this house, we...
we christened
every room.
- Really ?
- Yeah.
Well, you know.
When you have a baby you start to feel
tired and unattractive...
and fat.
l'm sure Michael is as attracted
to you now as he ever was.
A man never loses it
for his first love.
But l wasn't
Michael's first love.
- No ?
- You'll never guess who was.
Marlene ?
- Am l right ?
- Yeah, how'd you know that ?
Wild guess.
You know, it's a shame Michael's
not here. He's gonna miss it.
What's he doing so late
at the lab anyway ?
That's a
good question.
l'm gonna give him
a call.
[ Marlene ]
Randy and Cecie.
[ Michael ]
Dave and Loreeta.
- And Mitch.
- Mitch and the Harrisons.
- Oh, come on.
- They always invite us.
You got a light ?
Can't find my lighter.
Marty's gonna throw a fit.
You know, l'm still not sold
on this whole surprise party thing.
- Because of Emma ?
- And Claire.
She just hasn't
been herself lately.
How's Peyton doing ?
Oh boy,
Peyton's been great.
- Has she ?
- l don't know what we
would have done without her.
[ Footsteps ]
- Hi, sweetie.
- Hi.
- How was your night ?
- Fine.
Yeah ?
Michael, l called the lab.
There was no answer.
l was in one of the rooms
without a phone.
Honey, come on. l didn't mean
to frighten you.
- You been smoking ?
- No, l haven't been smoking.
One of the
Рука, качающая колыбель Рука, качающая колыбель

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