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Рука, качающая колыбель

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consider it next quarter.
- But they said they'd consider it ?
- Claire, come on.
We've been over this.
Look, everything
is gonna be okay.
- Michael, l'm so sorry.
- l know you are, honey.
l know you are.
Maybe l left it
at the botanicals.
l'm going to
get back to work.
l'm sorry.
[ Crying ]
- Michael, l'm worried about Joe.
- Why, what's wrong ?
Well, it's
his eating habits.
He's not nursing
the way he used to.
How long has this
been going on ?
- lt's not all the time,
but... a couple of weeks.
- Did you call the doctor ?
- Yeah.
- What'd she say ?
She said it's fine as long
as he keeps gaining weight.
- Well... l'm sure he's fine, honey.
- Okay.
Someone named Peyton
is here to see you.
- Peyton's here ?
- She's waiting in your office.
She's our nanny,
Uh-huh. Okay.
Let me in on where
you do your hiring.
Shh !
He's out cold.
l'm sorry to bother you
here at the office,
- but l just wanted
to talk to you in private.
- Everything all right ?
Oh, yeah. Everything's okay.
l just had an idea.
lt's Claire's birthday
coming up.
l thought maybe it would be nice
to throw her a surprise party.
She's been feeling
kinda low lately,
- especially with this thing
with your proposal.
- That's a good idea.
- especially with this thing
with your proposal.
- That's a good idea.
- Yeah ?
- Yeah.
Oh... do you think,
do you think Marlene
would want to help out ?
Help out ? You kidding me ?
She'll take over.
Well, maybe it's best not
to tell her it's my idea.
Why not ?
l wouldn't want her to
think l was competitive.
You know ?
About Claire's friendship.
You understand Marlene
pretty well already.
Well, good...
so l'll be going.
Okay, good.
l'm real glad you came by.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Oh !
Solomon !
l want to show you
my sculpture.
ls... that the head ?
Or is
that the foot ?
No, that's part
of the fur.
Oh !
Okay, l see.
That's a piece
of art.
- l knew you'd see it.
- Yeah.
- Hi, Emma.
- Hi, Peyton.
Hi, Solomon.
Emma, why don't you go inside.
l've got to talk to Solomon.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Are you a retard ?
Did you like
looking at me ?
Did you like...
looking at me ?
Don't fuck with me,
My version of the story
will be...
better than yours.
l won't let
you hurt them.
They're my friends.
l won't let
you hurt them !
Oh boy.
Solomon !
Would you step inside
for a minute ?
Surprise !
lt's for you,
big guy.
l was in charge
of picking it out.
You're my friends.
Oh my.
[ Claire ]
Should've seen his face when we gave
him the bicycle. Emma just adores him.
Claire, there's something
that's been bothering me.
l feel a little awkward
bringing it up.
l've been noticing
some behavior that...
l feel might be
l'm sorry. What
do you mean, inappropriate ?
Something about the way
he touches her.
l'm sure you
must've misunderstood.
You're right, Solomon would
never do anything like that.
Besides, it would be obvious
if Emma were keeping a secret.
- l'm sorry.
- Oh no, please. lt's okay.
[ Solomon ]
She's coming around.
Whoa ! Whoa !
l love you very much,
You know that
if anything happened,
good or bad,
you can tell me and l
would love you just as much.
Do you know that ?
We shouldn't have
any secrets, Emma.
Secrets between people who
love each other aren't good.
What's the matter,
baby ?
You don't have to say.
Why can't l see
through this glass ?
lt's fiberglass,
a different kind of glass.
We put real glass in the ceiling
to let the sunlight through.
And this lets the air in so it
doesn't get too hot in the greenhouse.
Claire, Joe's intercom
conked out.
l couldn't find any
batteries in the kitchen.
- Do you think Solomon's
got some in his cart ?
- Well...
he's got everything else there.
Let me take a look.
Do you see
what you've done ?
[ Wheezing ]
[ Claire ]
Sweetheart ?
Come away
Рука, качающая колыбель Рука, качающая колыбель

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