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Главная / Роджер и я

Роджер и я

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GeneraI Motors was cIosing the factory...
where the great FIint Sit-down Strike
had taken pIace.
The UAWhad promised...
that a massive demonstration wouId
be heId on the Iast day of the factory.
OnIy four workers showed up
to protest the pIant cIosing.
This is my second one l've closed.
lt must be my destiny
to close all General Motors plants.
lt's never pleasant when something
like this comes to an end...
but life goes on.
What are you going to do?
Excuse me a minute.
Where are you guys from?
We're making a documentary
about Flint, Michigan.
-From where?
-We're independent.
-We'd like you off the lot.
Because this is private property.
We'd like you not to be here--
We thought it was a significant day
here today. The factory's closing....
lt is a very significant day.
lt's a very sad time,
a very private, personal time.
What do you think about General Motors
closing up this factory?
This is a very private, emotional,
family time.
-We would not let outsiders in the plant.
-We're not outsiders. We're from Flint.
You are outsiders. You don't work here.
This community
depends on General Motors--
Jerry, this guy, out.
l don't understand why we can't
talk to them for a couple minutes.
This is the factory's last hour.
What's the problem?
The problem is,
we were told to keep you on the sidewalk.
-You're hired by GM to do that?
-That's correct. On the sidewalk, please.
Mrs. McGee. There she is. Let me ask her.
Why can't we talk to you
if you're the spokesperson?
You can. l'll come outside and talk,
but not inside.
l've asked you to leave.
-We'll go, if you come and talk.
-l don't think l'll talk to you.
You're the spokesperson,
and you won't speak to us.
That's correct.
You don't represent anybody.
You're a private interest,
and l won't speak to you.
We happen to be citizens
of this community.
That's not a private interest.
We're all citizens of the community.
On the sidewalk, please.
The 1,800 hourIy workers at this operation
were sent home with fIowers today.
Even union Ieaders
offered them bIeak advice.
One worker toId me, ''You know when
they send you fIowers? When you die. ''
So, not a very merry Christmas.
ln fact, as one man
walked out of the plant...
he told me, ''l want to wish Roger Smith
a merry Christmas.''
It was now Christmas Eve in FIint.
After three years of trying to bring
Roger here, I was ready to give up.
Deputy Fred had three evictions
scheduIed for this day.
At the same time, in Detroit...
Roger Smith was beaming
his Christmas message...
to every GM factory throughout the worId.
Good afternoon, Iadies and gentIemen.
I'd Iike to weIcome you to our traditionaI
GeneraI Motors Christmas program.
We're trying to clear up
all evictions today...
so it won't get into the latter part
of Christmas, which is tomorrow.
We don't want to do any tomorrow.
-Because it's Christmas?
Ladies and gentIemen,
it's my pIeasure to introduce...
the chairman of GeneraI Motors
with his annuaI Christmas message...
Mr. Roger B. Smith.
You know, the thing that strikes me
about Christmas...
is that it's such a total experience.
For a few weeks out of our year...
our whole environment is transformed.
There are the lights, of course...
that lift us out of winter's cold and gloom.
This bitch got his money
and sent my motherfucking shit out.
They remind us
of the warmth of human companionship...
and of the spring that's never far behind.
Try to lay it down.
The wind will blow it over if you don't.
We Iisten for jingIe beIIs in the country.
We smeII the pine needIes on the trees...
and the turkey on the tabIe.
We even dream of a white Christmas...
in the hope that nature wiII accommodate
our Ionging for a totaI experience.
Where are the motherfucking keys?
-That motherfucker got his money.
-They're setting us out on the street!
l paid this man his rent. Give me my shit.
...the individuaI dignity
and worth of
Роджер и я Роджер и я

Читайте также:
- текст Элвин и бурундуки 2 на английском
- текст Астенический синдром на английском
- текст Зачарованная на английском
- текст Патруль времени 2: Берлинское решение на английском
- текст Пыль на английском

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