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Первый понедельник октября

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And so my children,
in other words,
my opinions, my decisions
are the result of conception.
And the delivery
is sometimes painful.
You may not like my children.
You may find them ugly.
But, by God, your ideas and mine
have equal rights to live together.
To grow, to change, even to die.
If there are no further questions,
the committee will consider
an executive session of what it will
recommend to the Senate.
Thank you, Judge Loomis.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you, gentlemen.
Now let's check it just once more.
Mr. Justice Carey is now on this end.
- That's correct.
- And Mr. Justice Webb?
- Webb.
- Mr. Justice Quincy?
- That's him.
- Mr. Justice Snow?
- That's right.
- The C.J. Stays in the center.
- And then Mr. Justice Halperin.
- OK.
- Mr. Justice Clewes?
- That's him.
- Mr. Justice Thompson?
- That's right.
And the new chair for
Justice Loomis on this end.
That's correct.
Does the lady need this?
We'll tell her it's a wastebasket.
- Good afternoon.
- Welcome to Washington.
- Thank you.
- Everything's ready.
- Great. Is the phone in?
- Yes. The man left an hour ago.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Hello?
- Ready for your coronation?
- Bill?
- Yes.
How did you get this number?
I don't even know it.
I do. If it ever slips your mind,
give me a ring.
- In the bedroom, please.
- In the bedroom?
I'm talking to the bellman, you idiot.
- It's sweet of you to call.
- I wanted to be the first man
in history to ask
a Supreme Court justice for a date.
So noted. The clerk will
put it on the docket.
- That'll take two years.
- Not now that I'm in charge.
- Mr. Agronsky.
- Yeah?
Whenever you're ready.
Tape is rolling.
This is a historic day for the nation
and for the Supreme Court
of the United States.
The court has been in session
since the first Monday in October,
which, according to the
Judiciary Act of 1789,
marks the start of a
new term each year.
No camera has ever photographed
the traditional robing ceremony
in the sanctum sanctorum
of the court,
and none is there today.
Since the death of
Justice Stanley Moorehead,
this has been an eight-man court,
which, as Justice Daniel Snow
has pointed out,
resembles a four-man
basketball team.
- Today, the vacancy is filled.
- How are you?
- But this remains an eight-man court.
- Well, where is she?
Maybe we ought to sound
the warning buzzer sooner.
I suppose she has
things to do that we don't.
After all, I don't have anything
to do with my hair.
This is an historic occasion.
Like the Jesuits going coed.
Suppose she'll want to hang chintz
curtains everywhere? I hate chintz.
Why am I nervous?
She should be nervous.
Things aren't going to
be different from the way
they've been every
two minutes to ten in court history.
We've got to think of her
as one of the brothers.
Good morning.
Justice Loomis, welcome.
Welcome to the court.
- Thank you. Good morning.
- Nice to have you with us.
Thank you for the lovely roses.
You don't send me roses
anymore, C.J.
It's 9:58, gentlemen
and Madame Justice.
We shake hands like this every day,
just before we take the bench.
Like nine boxers coming into a ring.
We shake hands before
we knock each other out.
The honorable, the chief justice
and the associate justices
of the Supreme Court
of the United States.
Oyez, oyez, oyez.
All persons having business
before the honorable,
the Supreme Court
of the United States,
are admonished to draw near
and give their attention,
for the court is now sitting.
God save the United States
and this honorable court.
Today's orders of the court have
been certified by the chief justice,
filed with the clerk and
will not be announced orally.
Probably the peak of
every lawyer's career
is that moment when he
Первый понедельник октября Первый понедельник октября

Читайте также:
- текст Дракула Брэма Стокера на английском
- текст Лиловый шар на английском
- текст Вся королевская рать на английском
- текст Бодро шагая на английском
- текст Конец света на английском

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