EndMOSFILM Artistic Association ''Luch'' AIexander DEMYANENKO as Shurik KIDNAPPING CAUCASIAN STYLE, OR SHURIK'S NEW ADVENTURES AIso starring: NataIya VARLEY VIadimir ETUSH Frunzik MKRTCHYAN RusIan AKHMETOV Yuri NIKULIN, Georgy VITSIN Yevgeny MORGUNOV With N. AVALIANI, N. GREBESHKOVA M. GLUZSKY, E. GELLER G. MILLYAR, D. MKRTCHYAN N. REPNINA, A. STROYEVA Written by Ya. KOSTYUKOVSKY, M. SLOBODSKOY, L. GAIDAI Directed by Leonid GAIDAI Director of Photography Konstantin BROVIN Production Designer VIadimir KAPLUNOVSKY Music by A. ZATSEPIN Sound by V. KRACHKOVSKY It was Shurik who toId us this story. On one of his expeditions he coIIected the foIkIore and Iegends ofthe Iand... This story may, in fact, be onIy a Iegend, too, but Shurik insists it reaIIy did occur in one of mountainous regions. He didn't specify which region it was, because he wanted to be fair to aII the other regions where such story might have happened. Go on! Where are you going? Damn it! What made me agree to drive this oId asthmatic vacuum cIeaner? Don't Iose hope! I remember what the great and wise Abou-Akhmat-ibn-Bey said, who was the first driver of that machine. He said: ''Edik...'' - Edik. - Shurik. So he said to me, ''Edik, onIy AIIah himseIf knows where goes the spark ofthis degenerate in the famiIy of internaI-combustion engines.'' May its carburetor go dead forever! - Pardon me... - Yes? Excuse me... - WouId you mind... - Yes? WiII you pIease not zig zag, and stay on the road? - Why? - My donkey's foIIowing you. - So it's your donkey who pursued me? - That's right. - And I had the impression... - No, it's him! - Are you from around here? - Yes, I'm here on vacation. - I'm here on business. How far is the town? - 2 kiIometers. - Thanks very much. Goodbye now. - Have a nice time. Come on... Move! You see, he won't budge unIess you go first. - Year of birth? - 1942. - Purpose ofyour visit? - EthnoIogicaI research. - I see... Looking for oiI? - No. I'm Iooking for foIkIore. I'm making records ofyour oId taIes, Iegends, toasts. Toasts?! My dear man, you're in Iuck... I can heIp you. CIosed for Iunch What's this? - You want a good toast? - Yes. A toast without wine is the same as a wedding without a bride. - No, I don't drink. - Who drinks? This isn't drinking. You didn't understand. I don't drink at aII. You see, I'm not physicaIIy abIe to. This wiII make my first toast. - A toast? I'II copy it. - You'II do it Iater. Take this gIass. My great grandfather aIways said: ''I desire to buy a house, but I don't have the means to do it. I have the means to purchase a goat, but I don't desire it.'' So Iet us drink to our desires aIways meeting our possibiIities. - Good for you. - Right... - Now, here's another toast. - Right... - I'II be right back. - Take your time. I'II breathe a bit. I'II get some fresh air, a break from sitting in my office aII the time. AIways the office... - Where have you been? - Something wrong? - My niece. - A pIeasure to meet you. Nina. - She's studying to be a teacher. - Teaching those who'II take our pIace. ExceIIent student, KomsomoI member, athIetic girI. - AthIetic? - UncIe knows everything about me. - You're just what we need. - And what do you need? Let me ask you a question, a question you'd probabIy not expect. Go ahead. - What do you think of marriage? - I think of it positiveIy. She's too young to think about it. It's never too earIy, and never too Iate. Go get the car started. What's your opinion about our inauguration of a new Wedding PaIace? - I'II be there for sure. - WiII you? I may ask you for a favor, a smaII one, but important. - What is it? - I'II teII you Iater. See you there. AII right. And when the whoIe fIock migrated to the south, one smaII but proud bird said: ''As for me, I shaII head up to the sun.'' And he started upward, he fIew upward, upward, but ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Экипаж на английском - текст Эрагон на английском - текст Арахнофобия на английском - текст Человек-дьявол на английском - текст Пролетая над гнездом кукушки на английском |