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Первый понедельник октября

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be a decent place to visit.
Unforgettable music, powerful plays...
Today, right around the corner,
on Eighth Avenue,
your picture is probably playing
alongside a lot of other pornography
and filth.
Watch out, lady. Scratch me,
put me out of business,
and who else gets scratched?
The same end of the eraser
can wipe out your unforgettable music
and your powerful plays.
You're sharp, Maloney.
You pull every sleeve inside out.
You want the liberty
to dirty up my liberty,
my security against the profiteering,
two-legged cockroaches of this world,
my right to live in a sweet and decent
society, and not some kind of sewer.
Even in New York,
you have to clean up
after your dog shits on the sidewalk.
It's a perversion of the Constitution
to shove our faces into excrement
masquerading as art.
Oh, I'm glad I met you, Mr. Maloney.
I feel I have a much better
understanding of you
and Justice Snow.
He may want the absolute freedom
to go straight to hell. That's his right,
but he has no right to force the rest
of the country to take the trip with him.
You may step down.
Yeah, you make
a pretty good trial lawyer.
- Too bad you had to give it up.
- You make a very good actor.
I may always feel there's
a pornographic producer
under your robes.
It makes me sick to my stomach
to have to defend a principle
as noble as the First Amendment
on the basis of that can of film
you found so offensive.
But, by God, as long as I have tongue
and tonsils and the ability to talk,
I'll defend everybody's right to speak
and every man's right to be wrong.
I yield to you as the authority on that,
Mr. Justice.
She's dangerous.
That woman is positively dangerous.
The men on this court
have got to stick together.
After all, there are only eight of us left
against all of her.
- Should we smile a little?
- Good God, no.
Who'd trust a happy justice?
Should the lady be standing
while the five of us are sitting?
This is where the newest member
of the court is supposed to be.
Ready, everybody? Please
don't look directly into the camera.
And I think if you seem
to be looking out into space...
- Into the future?
- I can't see that far.
- I didn't bring my glasses.
- You'll need more than glasses.
My wife always hates these pictures.
She says we look stuffed.
Why don't we take a snapshot
of our convictions.
It'd have to be a moving picture,
if convictions mean anything.
- My convictions don't move.
- Neither did the dinosaurs.
Here we go.
Oh, no, no. Come on.
Tear that one up.
Yes, Mr. Chief Justice.
Would somebody suggest
to our great dissenter
that he curb his celebrated
sense of humor?
He'll need all his wits to keep on
writing minority opinions.
A man's gotta decide whether to be
on the right side or the winning side.
Once in a while, they're the same.
This court won't reverse
the 7th Circuit on Omnitech.
We sure won't
if we don't even hear it!
Now, come on.
Hold that for the conference room.
You can wreck the whole business
establishment, Mr. Justice Snow,
with your damned socialist ideas...
I'm about as much of a socialist
as Donald Duck,
and you know it,
you brainwashed Brahman!
Now, come on, come on, come on.
Harold, come on. Sit down there.
Come on, now.
Dan, behave yourself.
Here we go.
- Destroy that negative.
- Yes, sir.
Now, Harold, try to remember
what you did with your face last year.
- You looked pretty good.
- I did?
Just look trustworthy.
Somebody in Washington
had better look that way.
Is Justice Snow implying that nobody
in this city or this country is honest
except him?
[Skipped item nr. 833]
- To hell with the picture.
- Where are you going?
- We've got to finish this.
- Paste me in from last year.
All right, Richard.
We'll try again tomorrow.
Yes, sir.
- It's been a pleasure.
- Good afternoon, sir.
Where are you going?
Not to Europe again.
Much farther than that.
Yes, you can take those too.
I'll bring
Первый понедельник октября Первый понедельник октября

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- текст Обитаемый остров: Схватка на английском
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- текст Хорошие парни носят чёрное на английском
- текст Бетховен: Большой бросок на английском
- текст Синяя птица на английском

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