# Time and space are not homogeneous. In the life of every civilization, every country, every nation and every person there are special places and special points of time - unusually important, crucial points. In my life this special moment, which I'll never forget, happened in Moscow, Russia, in the spring of 1992, right after the fall of Communism. I came back to my native town after 17 years of forced separation. Moscow was in turmoil, so was I. Allow me to introduce myself: Alexander Greenberg. That spring I was turning 50 - time to gather stones. And it just so happened that at an International Congress on the "structure of the universe" was taking place in Moscow at the moment. I am an astrophysicist, so are most of the people important for me. My entire tiny little world was getting together in the city of my youth. So I've decided to come to the city to face my past and to reevaluate my life. At the point it seemed to be a sound idea. I was eager to reevaluate. Reevaluate everything. Not only my own life but also life of all the other beings populating our planet. After lunch we will begin our regular sessions, but right now, before we take a break, we would like to show you a short film. This film is not a scientific film, but it does include some footage of our space research, as well as some visual references abstracted from the works of numerous astrophysicists. May we have the shades drawn, please. SASHA (VOICE-OVER): Let me introduce to you the main characters of our story. That woman who keeps looking my way is Helen. She is my wife. Or, if you prefer, ex-wife. In any event, she is always threatening to leave me. I need a life. I need a real life before I am too old. What's so bad about our life? You call this a life? Right! SASHA (VOICE-OVER): And sometimes she does leave, for a time. But it looks like she still cares for me. My drinking seems to worry her. Well, she had never seen me drinking so much before. The creator of the film you are about to see, Jill Stratton, is with us today. Do you see the beautiful lady standing by the camera? That is miss Stratton herself. SASHA (VOICE-OVER): "The beautiful lady standing by the camera" is my lover, Jill. Not that we're really lovers. Not now, anyway. Sasha, what's the matter? I don't understand. Don't you? SASHA (VOICE-OVER): And that is Natasha. In a way, she is also my lover. Ex. Go. Leave Russia. Your place is out there. What about you? What about me? SASHA (VOICE-OVER): Even though we are very old friends, our intimate relationship was brief. As for the past seventeen years, we not only haven't seen each other, but have not even corresponded. But I didn't correspond with anyone in Russia. While the room is being engulfed by darkness, I would like to read a brief passage from John Milton's "Paradise Lost". In this passage, the angel Raphael is speaking to Adam and Eve. SASHA (VOICE-OVER): The imposing gentleman at the podium, is my professor, Doctor Gross. I have not seen Henrich Gross for the past 17 years either. "...To ask or search I blame thee not; for Heaven Is as the Book of God before thee set, Wherein to read his wondrous works, and learn His seasons, hours, or days, or months, or years. the rest from Man or Angel the great Architect Did wisely to conceal, to move His laughter at their quaint opinions wide Hereafter, when they come to model Heaven, And calculate the stars." SASHA (VOICE-OVER): I remember one of my last meetings with Gross before I left Russia. Continue your cosmological research for God, and make the bomb - for Caesar. SASHA (VOICE-OVER): Well for the last seventeen years both of us each in the country of his choice kept calculating the stars for God and building bombs for the Caesars of our choice. In the past two decades, a microscopic flash of time, we have been able to reveal so many ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Схватка на английском - текст Танец льва на английском - текст Дни затмения на английском - текст Красная палатка на английском - текст Звёздный путь: Возмездие на английском |