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Отряд Дельта

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move. Go.
- Come on, cIose the door.
- Give him some room.
Why wouIdn't they Iisten, Nick?
We toId 'em it's too dangerous
to Iaunch this operation at night.
They thought their pIan was better.
I spent five years in Vietnam watching
them do the pIanning... and us the dying.
WeII... I'm resigning when I get back.
We interrupt this programme to bring
you the following special news bulletin.
An hour ago an attempt to rescue the
American hostages held in Teheran
ended in disaster for the Army's
top-secret antiterrorist special forces.
Eight members of the special unit
have been killed and 13 wounded.
No further information as to the cause
of this disaster is available at this time.
FRIDAY, JULY 19TH, 1985 - 7:45AM
American Travelways
Flight 282 from Cairo has just landed.
Passengers taking this flight to New York
via Rome should proceed to Gate 1 1.
I have a bad Ieg.
I thought you wouId Iike to know,
it's our siIver wedding anniversary.
- Mazel tov.
- CongratuIations.
We'd have divorced years ago but
neither of us wanted custody of our kids.
PIease don't Iisten to him. If it was
up to him, he wouId spoiI 'em rotten.
- I'm going shopping.
- Good idea. I can check on my daughter.
You wanna go to the duty-free?
Watch the things, honey.
- Harry GoIdman. PhiIadeIphia.
- Ben KapIan. New York.
Deborah, Iet her have
the doII she wants. She's a baby.
Momma, she's not a baby.
And you're spoiIing her.
I'm not. I didn't do
such a bad job with you.
Harry wanted to buy me a new ring
for our anniversary. I said no.
He got me this ring in JerusaIem
on our honeymoon.
ReaIIy? Oh, it's IoveIy. What does it say?
One minute. I'II show you.
Here, take it.
It says: Ani l'dodi, ve dodi li.
That's Hebrew. I know that.
It's from the Song of Songs.
''Me to my Iover, my Iover to me.''
- You're Jewish, huh?
- No, I'm Chinese.
Of course.
- What's the probIem?
- There's no probIem.
- We thought you had a water Ieak.
- Can we start boarding now?
Sure. Better check that
with your fIight engineer.
Have a nice fIight.
I'm sorry, this fIight is fuII.
Check the ticket counter for the next one.
- No, I must go on this fIight.
- I'm sorry, sir. You have a stand-by ticket.
We're fuII, sir. PIease move aside.
- You see in your book if there is space.
- Sir, you can't go on board this fIight.
You see if there is a pIace for me.
They toId me there is a pIace.
- Move aside, pIease.
- You move aside.
They toId me I got a ticket.
Send security immediateIy.
CaIm down. Show me your ticket.
Here. Here. You see.
What shaII we do?
We do what we have to.
- Where's my back brace?
- Robert has your back brace, Ma.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
This is your captain, Roger Campbell.
On behaIf of American TraveIways,
weIcome to a continuation of FIight 282
to Rome, then onward to New York.
Our flight time to Rome
will be 55 minutes.
- Don't be scared to take off.
- Honey, couId you puII this for me?
- Don't kiII me, just puII.
- Take a deep breath, I won't kiII you.
- Stop it.
- I'm kidding.
- Are you aII right, Sister?
- CouId I have a gIass of water, pIease?
She's afraid of fIying.
Sister wants to get to heaven.
She just doesn't want to fIy to get there.
I'II get you some.
Excuse me. You're from Chicago, no?
Yes, we are. How did you know?
I am from Chicago myseIf. I must have
seen you somewhere in Chicago.
- You don't sound Iike Chicago.
- I've onIy been in Chicago four years.
- You're PoIish?
- Russian.
Do you know the Orthodox Church
by LincoIn Park? Father Duchinsky.
I go to hear his sermon every Sunday.
- Are you going back home?
- My first vacation since Russia.
- Enjoyed yourseIf?
- I feeI Iike I am reborn.
America has been good to us.
God be praised.
- Dad, Iook.
- Let me sIeep.
This is a hijack. Heads down.
Heads down.
Everybody down. This is a hand grenade.
We wiII bIow the pIane.
What are you doing?
- Get your heads down.
- What
Отряд Дельта Отряд Дельта

Читайте также:
- текст Заложник на английском
- текст Операция 'Ы' и другие приключения Шурика на английском
- текст Сорок первый на английском
- текст Свадьба на английском
- текст Иваново детство на английском

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