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was me who killed Israel Hands
and stole the schooner.
You have lost!
- Make him bleed!
- Get back.
What makes you think you can
order around here, John?
You think you're the captain?
- Johnny's right! Make him bleed!
- Any one of us can command here.
- Gentlemen... Anyone who wants
to deal with me can step outside.
Take a cutlass, him that dares.
And I'll see the colour of his inside,
crutch and all...
...before that pipe's empty.
Not too brave now? Then hear this.
Anyone who touches Jim
will have to deal with me.
You lot want to say something?
Then say it.
I'm listening.
- Your pardon, sir, you're pretty free
with some of the rules lately.
The crew has a right
to gather and council!
- According to the rules!
- Forecastle council!
- That's the rules!
- You're within half a plank
of death, Jim.
They're going to throw me off.
Tit for tat.
I'll save your life, and you'll save
Long John from swinging.
- What I can do, that I'll do.
- It's a bargain.
- By the way... Do you know why
the doctor gave me the chart?
There's something under that, no doubt.
- John, we're throwing you off!
- The crew, in a council, according to
the rules of the gentlemen o'fortune...
...decided to send you the black spot!
- Turn it over, and read what it says.
[ Deposed ]
- You'll sing a different song now!
- You're deposed, Silver!
Get off that barrel!
- Get off the barrel!
- Kick him out!
- Now listen to what I have to say.
This boy is a hostage.
And he, this boy,
might be our last chance.
- All right, what about the doctor?
- Why did I let him and the others go?
- It's the real thing!
- Here's Flint's signature.
- Yes, with a knot in it!
- But how are we to get away?
- We have no ship!
- You ought to tell me that.
You and the rest, that
lost me my schooner!
I found you the treasure.
But you, you lost me the ship.
I don't care to be the captain
of a bunch of idiots.
I've had enough.
- Silver!
- Barbecue forever!
- Gentlemen. Let's go look for treasure.
- What's the matter?
- What's happening?
- He already found!
- Found the treasure!
- A skeleton!
- He was a seaman.
He's dressed in good sea-cloth.
- Oh really? Who did you expect
to find here? A bishop?
However... why are the bones
laid out so strangely?
Oh, I think I get it. They are
pointing to where the treasure is.
Just take a bearing, will you.
- South-West.
- That means the Pole Star is there.
- And there are the jolly dollars!
- By thunder, it's one of
Flint's little jokes.
- These are the three tall trees.
It's child's play to find the stuff now.
- Mates! Great riches wait for us
over there! Come on!
- Is that Jim?
- Who else!
- Gentlemen! We must save Jim.
It's our duty!
- Attention!
Hear my orders: surround the pirates!
- Hey, where's the money!
- Where are the doubloons?
- Where are the dollars?
- Gone!
- Sir... there's nothing here.
Someone got here before us.
Where's the treasure, sir?
- Is this your promised
seven hundred thousand?
Gentlemen! There's only two of them!
One a cripple who brought us here
to our deaths...
the other's that cub that I mean
to have the heart of.
- Look, look!
- What is that?
- They are coming this way!
- Run for your lives!
- Hello, gentlemen! Hello my dears!
You don't look so good!
Allow me to listen in...
That's wonderful! Breathe deeper.
Splendid! A bit hoarse, is it?
Stomach droopy, liver completely shot,
that's good. Excellent, excellent!
Teeth now, let's see. Rotten, jolly good!
Many missing, that's marvellous!
Lads! You smoke way too much!
With lungs like yours,
you couldn't run a hundred yards.
Remember! Smoking is bad for your health.
[ Song about the dangers of smoking ]
Columbus sailed into the west
with fellow seamen folk.
Upon returning from his quest
He taught the world to smoke.
It started from a pipe of peace
he shared with the chief.
But with it came a great disease:
addiction to the leaf.
As warns the
Остров сокровищ Остров сокровищ

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