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Оружейный барон

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even get there.
There's nothing's more expensive
for an arms dealer than peace.
Truce? What do you mean, truce?
The guns are already on their way.
Peace talks.
All right, forget it.
I'll re-route the shipment to the Balkans.
When they talk about war,
they keep their word.
Of course, a new breed of gunrunner
requires a new breed of cop.
Henry, take Park Avenue.
Take 'em on a tour of New Jersey.
Yuri, there are men going through
our garbage cans.
Well, it's probably just some reporters
looking for somebody else.
I have a feeling they don't work
for the tabloids.
is there anything I should be
worried about?
No, nothing.
I love you.
I love you, too.
I was now the best merchant
of death alive.
I didn't own my own plane,
I owned a fleet.
Running guns into Liberia,
Sierra Leone,
or the Ivory Coast at least once a week.
Most trips I had phony paperwork.
The deadline was tight
and I had to cut corners,
I had no paperwork at all.
But I wasn't overly concerned.
There was hardly any radar over
most of Africa
and even fewer people to watch it.
Charlie Echo India,
...re-route to Kabala airport...
...on heading zero-two nine.
Comply immediately.
Yuri, what the fuck is going on?
Hello, Southern? It's Yuri.
I Sorry to call you on this number.
But I've got Interpol's all over my ass.
I can't know you right now.
It's uh, not a good time.
Not a good time?
Charlie, Echo, India,
comply immediately.
This is your last warning.
Where was the first fucking warning?
Rock your wings
if you intend to comply
I'm putting us down.
If you land, we're going away.
I don't have paperwork.
We're in a flying fucking bomb!
They're firing bullets at our bullets.
I'm putting us down.
Okay, okay. Fuck!
This is Charlie, Echo, India.
Request re-route to Kabala airport,
bearing zero-two-nine.
No, not the airport. There the highway.
It's our only hope.
Are you fucking mad?
A pothole will set us off.
You underestimate yourself, Alexei.
You're the best.
You're the shit, Alexei, you're the shit!
You're the shit! You're the shit!
Of course Alexei wasn't the best.
He'd come forty-second out of
forty three
at the Moscow Flight School.
Oh, God, what's he doing?
Is this guy nuts?
I can't land there, sir.
Kabala's fifteen minutes away.
He can't get far.
I want a truck on the tarmac.
We gonna be okay.
Where are you going?
As far from the evidence as we can get.
Wait, there's not going to be any evidence!
Come here. Come here.
Hey, don't be shy. Here, look.
Free sample
help yourself, okay? Free sample.
Tell your friend.
Gun for you.
Happy times. Come on.
Help yourselves. No charge.
Everything goes.
Guns, guns, guns, yes,
come on up!
Here! You're having fun now, huh?
Come on! Guns, guns, guns! Yes!
Bullets, guns, grenades!
Take 'em all.
Take the whole crate. Go ahead.
Gun, grenades, hooray!
Bullets! Guns! Grenades!
That one's got your name on it.
You want one, too? Come on.
Don't forget the bullets.
Don't forget the bullets.
How can you shoot a gun
if you don't have bullets?
Everything goes for free!
Guns, grenades! All you see. Bullets,
guns, grenades.
Hooray, hooray!
Have the bullets.
What a cargo crew at Heathrow Airport
does in a day took a bunch of
malnourished Sierra Leonean
locals ten minutes.
By the time Agent Valentine got there,
you could find more guns on
a plane full of Quakers.
Yuri Orlov.
Ow! Fuck!
You run from us?
No, Mbizi. No!
Can you run with no legs?
Let me make him disappear,
Mr. Valentine
Around here, people disappear all the time.
I can't do that.
Look where we are. Who will know?
We will.
He's gonna get what's coming to him.
I'm not as certain.
All right, get up.
What's the charge?
What are you doing in Sierra Leone...
I'm on safari.
Yeah? You're hunting wildebeests
with a submachine gun?
Do you also work with the
Park Service?
Hunting without a license,
is that the charge?
Оружейный барон Оружейный барон

Читайте также:
- текст Меченосец на английском
- текст Мой ласковый и нежный зверь на английском
- текст Нашествие похитителей тел на английском
- текст Штрафбат на английском
- текст Город мастеров на английском

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