EndMOSFILM INTER-ALLIANCE FILM Third Artistic Association MY TENDER AND AFFECTIONATE BEAST (A HUNTING ACCIDENT) Based on A.P. Chekhov's novel "A Hunting Accident" Starring Galya BELYAYEVA as Olga Oleg YANKOVSKY as Kamyshev Kirill LAVROV as Count Karneyev Leonid MARKOV as Urbenin Also starring Svetlana TOMA Grigory GRIGORIU V. SIMCHICH, O. FYODOROV A. ZVENIGORODSKY Written and Directed by Emil LOTYANU Director of Photography Anatoly PETRITSKY Production Designer Boris BLANK Music by Eugen DOGA Sound by V. KURGANSKY Conductor S. SKRIPKA English Subtitles by T. Kameneva Sergey Petrovich... A visitor... been waiting to see you for two days now. What shall I tell him? - Show him in. - Yes, sir. Please come this way, sir. Allow me to introduce myself. Doctor of jurisprudence, Sergey Petrovich Kamyshev. Former examining magistrate. How may I be of service to you? I wrote a novel I'd like to be published in your newspaper. - Have a seat please. - What? - I said have a seat. - Ah, thank you. To be honest, I wrote this novel not for the sake of literary glory. Oh? And what was your reason? Let's say pecuniary. I need... to earn some money. It doesn't matter. What's the subject of your story? The subject? Well, it's not very original. Murder. Love. A cheap popular stuff. Read it and you'll see. Everything described in my novel actually took place right before my eyes. I was a witness and a participant. Very commendable. What is the title of your novel? A Hunting Accident. All right, leave it, but it may take a while before you get an answer. How long? I don't know. Moscow is swamped with writers. Everyone writes. Come back in two or three months. Better three than two. It's pretty long. Well, I understand how busy you are. So be it. Thank you for taking the time to see me. For the next three months I'll be living on hope. That's already something. Goodbye, sir. Just a moment... I see it's written in the first person. In other words, you mean the examining magistrate is yourself? Yes, although the role I play in the novel is somewhat scandalous. I'll come back in three months. Goodbye again. Go on, Zorka! - That's a bad omen, sir. - Never mind. Moscow. To the director of the chorus Karpov. Finish up at once. Period. Come back immediately by any train, even freight one. The Count. Let's get to work, Pyotr Yegorovich. We'll work without sparing ourselves. We'll make these ruins as beautiful as they once were. All the greatness of the past will be resurrected from ashes, both economic and esthetic. What do you say, Polychrony Arkadievich? Is it worthwhile? Well worth the effort, Your Excellency. Come on here! So you're still spying? Where's the count? Are you deaf? You'll talk sooner or later. Go dust away that cobweb there. Excellent! Whoa! Whoa! Come back here! Oh God, what is this? Antichrists! Vandals! Yes, Pyotr Yegorovich, this is a plot! They want to reduce me to a beggar! Vandals! I know everything! Who did this? Who? I did. I don't believe it. Oh, my God! My God! - Oh, my God! Seryozha! - Your life is so boring, gentlemen. Seryozha! A dandy! A Cavalier of the Guard! Gentlemen, I present a dear friend. I recommend him to you. The brilliantjurist, Sergey Petrovich Kamyshev, my lifelong friend. Seryozha, meet my friends... This is Polychrony Arkadievich Kalidis. You'll be good friends, I'm sure. - Well... - No, no... Here's to you, Seryozha! - Seryozha. - Yes? A few days ago I went to see my doctor in St. Petersburg, I haven't been feeling well lately. He heard me out, examined me, poked and prodded me, and said... He said, I hope you're not a coward? I'm not a coward, but I turned pale. He looked at me for a while, not saying anything, just looking at me with his glassy eyes. Then he told me that I'll be dead soon, Seryozha. - No! - Cirrhosis, my dear. It's my liver. My liver's ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Огонь, вода и... медные трубы на английском - текст Иллюзия убийства на английском - текст Упущенная галактика на английском - текст Звёздный путь: Фильм на английском - текст Жил певчий дрозд на английском |