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Операция 'Ы' и другие приключения Шурика

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  
- Have you washed hands?
- Well... All right...
Okay, let's got to the sand-pit.
Let's start.
- Enjoy your lunch.
- Uh-huh.
What did you say?
I said: "There IS such thing
as a free lunch"!
Learn, Student!
Dou you think it is me,
who got 15-days  term?
No, we are the ones, who
got the 15-days term.
Because, you should do
an explanatory work for me.
Okay, mumble to me
how  spacecrafts
plough the Bolshoi theatre,
and I will get some sleep.
Right, keep off flies.
- What?! - The fly!
- Well done!
You are stuck, Student.
This is just an advance.
That is it. Now,
Student, be ready.
Water, please.
Thank you.
Stop! I'll kill you, Student!
This is hooliganism,
you will get a 15-days term.
Remember, I'll go to law.
- Will you beat me?
- No!
Then what?
I will do the explanatory work.
Listen, Shourik...
- Are you a member of the
Komsomol?   - Yes, I am.
But this is not a proper method.
Nowadays, when spacecrafts
plough ...
- What is your name?
- Fedya.
Are you married?
- Yes.
I have wife Lyuba, and two
children Lena and Lyosha.
So, you have a family
and children.
- How old are you?
- Forty one.
I won't do it again.
It has to be done, Fedya!
Well, alcoholics,
spongers and hooligans...
- Who wants to work?  -Me!
- Wait a minute.
Today's tasks are..
- A sand-pit: two persons.
- Me!  - Wait a minute.
Please, read out all items.
- All right,  a cement factory...
- Me.
- A coal loading.
- Me.
- A cleaning of cow-houses...
- Me.
- And in addition...
- Me.  - Oh, wait a minute!
You have a personal task
for all fifteen days.
Take him...
Quiet! Exams!
- Did you pass? - Yes.
- Your mark? - "Excellent"!
- Have you the notes?
- No, I gave them to those guys.
You may turn over.
The exam paper #7.
The first question is
"Principle of synchrophasotron".
How do you hear me? Over.
I got it, I hear you well.
The answer to the first question
of the exam paper #7 is
A basic principle
of synchrophasotron is
the acceleration of charged
particles by magnetic field.
Hi, do you have
lecture notes?
What? No, I have no notes.
- What do you listen?
- Don't disturb me, go.
Hi... Do you have... All right...
- Watch out. - Excuse me.
Our stop. Let's go.
Take it.
To whom?
Hello. Could you please
give me the key?
I thought you have an exam today?
There's still 3 hours, we'll study
with my female friend.
-Mustard, please.
- Uh-huh.
- It is stifling.
- Uh-huh.
Don't turn over.
Irina, unzip, please.
It is hot, undress.
- We have to go.
- Uh-huh.
- How are things?
A "good" mark!
- What?  - Calm down.
Take an exam paper.
Professor, can I take more?
- One more?
- Take it.
Your turn.
What does it mean "your turn"?
I'm sorry, professor.
No, I'm sorry.
You have to come next time.
The bust!
A test: "one, two, three".
Do you hear me?
"One, two, three". Over.
Good afternoon, professor.
Are you okay?
I have a sore ear.
- Are you all right? Sure?
- Yes, professor, don't worry.
It even helps, there will be no
disturbing noise.
And what is this for?
Do you have any special occasion?
An exam is always the
occasion for me, professor.
Very good.
Please, take an exam paper.
The exam paper #9. Over.
What did you say?
What is "over"?
Not "over", I said the exam paper #9
and "moreover" a problem.
- I see. Go and make yourself ready.
- All right.
How do you hear me? The dimwit
didn't figure out, did he?
Listen the answer to
the exam paper #9.
What is wrong with you?
A shooting pain in my ear.
Tut-tut... Okay, an "excellent"
mark for the invention,
and "unpassed" for the exam.
The  professor is a dimwit,  moreover
he has an equipment. Over.
- Did you pass? -Ah...
Who is she?
This is Lyda from a parallel group.
Lyda... What a beautiful girl...
Why I've never seen her
- I can introduce you.
- Eh-eh...No, no.
Do you have a minute?
-What is your
Операция 'Ы' и другие приключения Шурика Операция 'Ы' и другие приключения Шурика

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- текст Темный кристалл на английском
- текст Два весёлых гуся на английском
- текст Звезда на английском
- текст Дневник камикадзе на английском
- текст Старухи на английском

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