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Yes, that's true!
You know, I would want him
to see, how different I am
from all the other princesses.
I hate them too, darling.
Don't be so terrified.
You're scaring me!
Would you like me to kiss you?
Not ever!
Not ever!
I have to go.
You will never see me again.
Get him! Stop him!
You know him well.
Was it something I said?
No, sweetheart.
You didn't do anything wrong.
He didn't like it when I said
about the brothers.
I must have been too
And then...
How could I have forgotten
myself! The most shameful part!
I offered to kiss him.
- And he... - He saddled his
horse and went away!
On that crazy horse of his!
Off into the mountains!
With no road lying ahead.
Daughter... Where are you
going? Come back!
Come back!
Executioner! Get ready!
Courtiers! Say your
The Princess locked herself in
her room. You will be executed.
Your Majesty, I think...
The sand-glass! Fast!
I shall spare the life
of anyone,
who, while the sand runs
in the sand-glass,
will teach me, what to do
with the Princess.
Think! The sand runs fast.
Take your turns, and speak
plainly and clearly.
The First Minister!
Your Majesty! In my opinion,
parents should not
interfere in the love
lives of their children.
You will die first.
Speak, my lady.
Many years ago, Your Majesty,
I stood at the window, and
a young man on a black horse
was rushing away along a
mountainous path.
It was a quiet moonlit night.
- And a clatter of hoofs...
- Get to the point, you fool.
- The sand is running.
- Don't interrupt her.
- But there are many of us.
- And only one sand-glass.
What will be left for us?
Go on.
I never saw him again.
And I married someone else.
And here I am, alive and
at Your Majesty's service.
You too will have your
head chopped off.
Your turn.
The best way to console
the Princess -
is to let her marry someone,
who is loyal to the King,
has some experience in life
and an administrator's skills,
and who is one of the
King's suite.
Are you talking about
the executioner?
God no! I don't know him
that well.
You will.
My child! What is it?
You are frightening me?
Where are you going?
I won't tell anyone.
Good girl!
Child, we are going
with you!
I love you so much.
Don't be sore with me,
but I'm leaving alone.
Stop her! Fast!
I swear!
I will kill anyone who
follows me.
Remember this.
I have my own life now,
and I want to be left alone.
Stop her!
Stop her at any cost!
Stop her!
Stop her!
What a girl!
In the mountains she'll catch
cold and lose her way!
she will fall off the horse,
tangle her foot in the stirrup!
Don't just stand there!
Go after her!
She will shoot anyone,
who follows her!
I will follow her, hiding
behind big stones.
What are you talking
I shall crawl in the grass
like a snake.
But I shall not abandon
- Follow me!
- Wait!
Are you happy now?
Lousy weather!
All my life I lived here,
on the mountain peak,
amidst eternal frost,
but I don't remember such
a hurricane.
It's a good thing this
tavern was built strong.
Strong like a castle.
Tavern called "Emily".
She must be grey-haired
by now.
And probably happily
But I still dream...
of hearing her voice
one day.
Welcome, ladies and
Please come in and make
yourselves comfortable!
Sit by the dire!
Don't cry, my lady.
I will help you.
There, hot wine is good
for you.
May I know who you are?
Even though...
I'm used to travelers
not telling their names.
Nonsense! I'm a King.
Good evening, Your Majesty.
Good evening, innkeeper.
I am very unhappy.
That happens.
My daughter is gone.
Idiots. Spongers.
They left her unattended.
She fell in love,
they had a fight.
She put on men's clothes
and disappeared.
Spongers! Idlers!
Who lives in this tavern?
A famous hunter and his
Hunters? Maybe they saw
They're hunting everywhere
around this
Обыкновенное чудо Обыкновенное чудо

Читайте также:
- текст Бродячий Пес: Бронеотряд Церберов на английском
- текст Лиса и заяц на английском
- текст Оскомина на английском
- текст Небо. Самолет. Девушка. на английском
- текст Близнецы на английском

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