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Нэйт и Хейс

1   2   3   4   5   6   7  
- Stay out of this, boy.
Where is she?
You want her?
You have her.
Come on!
You'd think this was
the bloody Kaiser's birthday parade.
What the hell?
We'll never catch that monster.
- I know where they're going, Bully.
- Yeah?
- Ponape.
- Ponape? You sure?
- Well, you lost her now, then.
- We'll never catch them in the Rona.
Sorry, laddie.
- Forget the Rona.
- Forget the Rona.
We'll take Mr. Pease's ship.
It's a hell of a lot faster.
- Very nice ship, eh?
- Yes.
And you set nicely enough
to stealing them, too, Reverend.
I owe it all to you.
- Not much of a drinker, are you?
- No.
- Well, it's a useful habit, sometimes.
- Like now?
- I'd like to apologize.
- For what?
I was very quick to judge you.
What do they say, son?
Don't judge, and let... No.
Let's see, judge not,
- judge not, judge ye, not...
- "Judge not, lest ye be judged."
Matthew 7, Verse 1.
You knew what you were doing
in Samoa.
It would've worked out
if it wasn't for me.
Well, don't feel badly 'cause you don't
know your way around a whorehouse.
No, I was a fool.
Well, you found out
where Pease is taking Sophie.
How'd you work that one, anyway?
Open it.
It's to you.
I had suspected,
but I never knew for sure.
Oh, there's nothing to know, Nate.
Can I call you Nate?
Nate, there's nothing to know.
I looked at her. I thought about her,
- and I dreamed in my mind that I...
- Do you love her, Bully?
I could,
but it doesn't matter, Nate. She's yours.
- Not if you love her, Bully.
- Don't you love her?
Of course I love her, but she loves you.
She wrote you the note.
Only because
she thought you were dead.
- Billy...
- She'd have never written me a note.
Billy, I want you to have her.
you're kind of a rank old dog,
and I think a woman like Sophie
would be good for you.
Oh, that's awful nice of you
to say that, Natty.
Oh, God.
But she's young!
And you're young! And you love her!
You got curly hair. Go on, have her.
You need her!
For what?
Wait a minute, Nate.
Let's let Sophie decide her own fate.
Let's let her decide
which of us she'll have.
She has a mind of her own. It's only fair.
She can make her own choice.
What if she decides
she doesn't want either one of us?
A good one. Oh, yeah.
- There it is. Ponape.
- Why is it so cold?
I wouldn't ask too many questions
about Ponape, Captain.
You wouldn't like the answers.
I don't like this place.
But it'll still make a fine port
for your fatherland, eh?
Cold, evil, nasty, but cheap.
Bloody strange place.
We come in peace.
Otherwise, we don't have a prayer.
Very interesting engineering.
Engineering my ass. It's magic!
Pease man, what bring?
Happy me good now.
This be White King.
Count. I'm a count.
He wouldn't know "count"
from a bucket of shit,
but he does know "king."
White King bring much gifts.
Go on, give it to him.
- Your Majesty, my Emperor...
- You are the bloody emperor.
He doesn't deal with second raters.
Your Majesty, I wish...
My country wishes to use your island
as an anchorage
for its new naval vessels.
This is very important for Germany,
very important for me.
How much?
As a small offering,
and as an indication of the friendship
between our two...
Not enough.
Of course. We have more.
Shrunken heads.
Not enough.
Of course.
- We have more.
- More?
More what?
How badly
do you want your island, Emperor?
You should feel flattered, missy.
- Not everyone gets offered to the gods.
- Just the women.
There it is!
Around that point, drop anchor.
Break out sidearms.
We're going ashore.
You're gonna love the view.
"The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want.
"He maketh me to lie down
in green pastures."
Interesting, ain't it?
It's disgusting.
They're savages.
We'll never get her out of that.
If we do save her, Mr. Blake,
I'll rely on you to save us.
- Aye, sir.
- Ready, Reverend?
- Yeah.
- Let's
Нэйт и Хейс Нэйт и Хейс

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